Definition of Schedule A schedule is a process in which a single group of multiple parallel transactions is created and executed individually. You must maintain the order in which the instructions appear in each transaction. If two transactions are executed at the same time, the result of one transaction can influence the result of another transaction. Below is the example:...
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Setting up a CMO for Success!
CMO’s have the highest turnover in the C-suite level. Why? What is the problem with CMO’s Chief Marketing Officer – CMO’s are generally responsible for planning, developing, implementing and monitoring the overall business marketing strategy. Some of the duties may include market research, pricing, product marketing, marketing communications, advertising and public relations. The CMO would play a big, important role,...
Tips for using Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 2)
Tips for using Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 2) Consider increasing the -CommitBatchThreshold parameter of the Distribution Agent. This parameter specifies the number of replication commands to be issued to the Subscriber before a COMMIT statement is issued. The default value is 1000. If you do not need continuous replication, avoid configure the Distribution Agent to run continuously....
PART I: Database Transaction
Database Transaction A transaction can be defined as a task group. A single task is the minimal processing unit, which cannot be further divided. ACID Properties of Transaction The small unit of a program which can contain several low-level tasks is called transaction. A database transaction should maintain atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These properties are known as ACID properties....
How to handle employees challenging me?
As a manager, how can I deal with millennial employees challenging me? The issue is not that you have millennial employees challenging you. It is how you are presenting yourself and managing your projects and teams. It is easier to change your mindset than to change others. And with your changes, other changes will appear. For instance, start appreciating that...
Tips for using Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 1)
Tips for using Transactional Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 1) Try to keep transactions as short as possible. Because SQL Server send changes from the Publisher to Subscriber as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements you should keep transactions as short as possible to help the Distribution Agent to transfer transactions through the network. By the way, keeping transactions as...
AI-powered Search with spaCy – Part 12
In this part, we’ll look at how you might find some phrases in a text, which contain words from a predefined list. For example, you may have a set of descriptive tags generated for a photo by a computer vision platform. Such a set of tags might be useful for image classification and you might use it as the basis...
PART I: Overview of ODBMS and ORDBMS
Object Oriented Database Systems The object-oriented database management system is the data model where data are stored in the form of objects, instances of classes. This system is also known as ODBMS. Together, these classes as well as objects form an object-oriented data model. Components of Object Oriented Data Model OODBMS is based on three main components: object structure, object...
How to handle a promised promotion that doesn’t come
What should you do if your boss promised you with promotion 4 months ago and she hasn’t even given it to you? She always says that you must work overtime although you spent at least 2 hours more every day. Your manager isn’t responsible for your career. Please realize that your manager may have several employees to manage, as well...
Tips for using Snapshot Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 2)
Tips for using Snapshot Replication in SQL Server 2019 (Part 2) Consider locating both the publisher and the distributor on the same physical server. You can place the publisher and the distributor on the same physical server when the publisher server can perform the distribution tasks without any performance problems. By the way, using a separate SQL Server for the...