This question came from a job seeker. I was recently fired from a company. What things do I need for a job search? Everyone realizes the need for a resume and they may even remember to update their LinkedIn profiles and contacts. They may even meet with recruiters for assistance. But rarely to people take all the necessary steps to...
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Some tips for using SQL Server 2019 triggers
Some tips for using SQL Server 2019 triggers Try to minimize the number of rows affected in a trigger. The more number of rows affected in a trigger, the more time a trigger takes to run. So, try to reduce the number of rows affected in a trigger. Consider disabling trigger’s recursion. Triggers are said to be recursive when a...
AI-powered Search with spaCy – Part 5
So far, you have seen examples that rely on linguistic features associated with individual words in a sentence, when extracting the most descriptive phrase from that sentence. Very often however, you might need to extract the entire chunks to work with. For example, in the following sentence: “How to use Oracle Database 19c from a Python script.”, you might want...
What’s the Simplest Way to Do Market Research?
This question came from a busy business owner. What’s the simplest way to do market research? Hello, I want to sell certain electronic devices and I just want know the basics steps if I do market research before launching them. Appreciate if someone could share the best practices on how to get started doing market research. We will guide you...
Tips for using constraints in SQL Server 2019
Tips for using constraints in SQL Server 2019 Avoid using CHECK_CONSTRAINTS hint with bulk copy program. Using this hint can significantly degrade performance of the bulk copy operation, because for each row loaded the CHECK constraints defined on the destination table will be executed. Without the CHECK_CONSTRAINTS hint, any CHECK constraints will be ignored. Consider using the NOT FOR REPLICATION...
Prior to DBMS, Database Approach, Data Model — Part 6
Organisation Based on Number of Users A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS) can be organisation based on the user number it can support. It can be a single-user database system, that assists only one user at a time, or a multi-user database system, that can assists several users simultaneously. Organisation Based on Database Distribution There are four key distribution systems for...
After Firing Me, My Old Boss Contacted Me Asking Work-Related Questions.
This question came from a job seeker. I was recently fired from a company. My old boss just contacted me asking work-related questions. Should I respond? Absolutely. But it’s the way you respond that is critical. Answer them as a consultant, only. You want to stay professional at all time Since you were fired, you should not be speaking to...
Tips for using backup and restore in SQL Server 2019
Tips for using backup and restore in SQL Server 2019 Use separate storage for the database backups. Ensure that you place your database backups on a separate physical location or device from the database files. You can use backup/restore of memory-optimized files on Azure Storage. In SQL Server 2019 memory-optimized filegroup files can be stored on Azure Storage. Backup/Restore of...
AI-powered Search with spaCy — Part 4
In the previous articles in this series, you learned how interrogative sentences of the most common types can be parsed, allowing you to extract the most descriptive words from a sentence to be used then for a search for a relevant answer. In other words, you learned to implement the ability to understand what the user is asking about or...
Prior to DBMS, Database Approach, Data Model — Part 5
Data Abstraction Layer In an illustrated view, an individual can understand in what way the dissimilar models work together. Consider this from the highest level, the external model. The external model is the view of the end user data. Generally, a database is a business system that meets the needs of numerous services. On the other hand, a service is...