

Do Big Data-Type Projects Succeed More Often?

It used to be said that IT projects (and since SQL Server is my focus, SQL Server database projects by inference), would fail an astronomically large percentage of the time.  This was because, in most cases, of scope changing so frequently, particularly during development in a “waterfall” style project approach that had an extended calendar and fixed endpoints for functionality […]

Development Editorials Ethics

Legacy Systems are a Liability

In the past couple of years, it’s come up several times that legacy systems are a challenge to manage… no surprise there.  But what follows that conversation may be surprising – many times companies will take that first step, and decide that legacy systems are actually a liability.  That they’re something that should be removed, gutted, replaced if at all possible. […]


Is it possible to have a secure system?

Spoiler alert: I don’t think so. If someone wants your information badly enough, and they have sufficient resources to spend on getting into your system, I think they’ll probably succeed.  Personally, I can’t foresee a day where we have all possible vulnerabilities blocked and accounted for – just as a matter of course. I found an interesting post about this […]


More on Data Management and Protection

Some good feedback from readers about schema changes and requirements because of data protection.  True that there are many things that we’ll have to figure out – from what types of tools and interfaces to offer to the owners of the information to auditing and proof that you’re managing it all. One interesting point yesterday was what happens if a […]