JQuery – Browser Equallizer We have been considering how to handle code unique for different brands and versions of browsers for the last couple of days. Some of the things I have been looking for were testing techniques, ways to reduce the number of tests necessary, and software frameworks to reduce coding. A number of tools and techniques were submitted […]
Javascript With Multiple Browsers in Mind
Check out the latest SQL Server show – Watson! You may have seen him on Jeopardy! – Stephen Baker joins us on the show today talking about what was learned with the project. Stephen Baker wrote the book (literally) on the Watson project and all that it entailed – do not miss this show…[Watch the Show] Javascript With Multiple Browsers […]
MS New Browser – IE9
SelecTViews – THE SQL Server Video Show with Stephen Wynkoop Watson! You may have seen him on Jeopardy! – Stephen Baker joins us on the show today talking about what was learned with the project. Stephen Baker wrote the book (literally) on the Watson project and all that it entailed – do not miss this show… [Watch the Show] MS […]
New Terms for Web-Scale Persistence
New SelecTViews – Not your ordinary web show, Watson! You may have seen him on Jeopardy! – Stephen Baker joins us on the show today talking about what was learned with the project. Stephen Baker wrote the book (literally) on the Watson project and all that it entailed – do not miss this show… [Watch the show here, free] New […]
Web Scale Data Storage Failover
SelecTViews With Stephen Wynkoop So much data, so many databases…to the moon! Cloud exit strategies, cloud security considerations, wireless access to data… Jeopardy!(tm) ….and the SSWUG Virtual Conference, Bus. Intelligence Upgrade hesitations and much more. [Watch the Show] Web Scale Data Storage Failover Yesterday I talked about some of the differences between most Web Scale data storage solutions. I came […]
Web Scale Data Storage
Query Plan Caching Workshop – Tomorrow Don’t forget to sign up for the Query Plan Caching Workshop by Kalen Delaney. It will be well worth your time. Today is the last day to register. So, Click Here to Register Now! Web Scale Data Storage Stephen brought up a few areas of concern when using non-relational kinds of storage. What does […]
OTLT Put To Bed and Unfinished Business
OTLT Put to Bed Yesterday we reviews some of the developer issues resulting in the use of OTLT (One True Lookup Table). Today I just want to talk briefly about the opportunity available for a tool to manage the contents and distribution of Lookup Tables. There are number of tools today doing a great job of comparing database table contents, […]
OTLT Reloaded
SelecTViews Hosted by Stephen Wynkoop Security policy gotchas, social media and data ownership questions, working with unstructured data…also on the show today, Couchbase with information about the merger plus the SQL Server tip of the day. Watch the Show $$SWYNK$$ Featured Article(s) Non-Tech Blunders (Part 1 of 3) Along the lines of Admistrative and Development Blunders there are other bluders […]
On Mixing Up the Environment
New SelecTViews Show – Watch Free Now Security policy gotchas, social media and data ownership questions, working with unstructured data…also on the show today, Couchbase with information about the merger plus the SQL Server tip of the day. [Watch the Show] …last week’s show: SelecTViews – Open source databases as a tool for expanding your systems, Interview with EnterpriseDB CEO, […]
Mixing It Up… Database Platform Style
Have You Watched the Current Show? SelecTViews – Open source databases as a tool for expanding your systems, Interview with EnterpriseDB CEO, Ed Boyajian, a SQL Server tip of the day…Also, information about tablets, Jeopardy! challenge, new Gartner BI report and much more. [Watch the Show] Mixing It Up… Database Platform Style It seems that there are some interesting trends […]