How Much Normalization is Enough? I’m pretty sure you’ve already had enough of this topic as well. I have had a number of contacts from accidental DBAs and new developers in appreciation of the great lessons shared from real world problem solving. J writes in with an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) emphasizing how detailed you can get with your normalization. […]
Data Normalization Again!
Data Normalization Again! I find it interesting that so many have written regarding the editorial yesterday. What I find most interesting is the respect shown by everyone to differing opinions. This is definitely an area that has a huge impact on many individuals, and I have seen discussion become personl to the point of a complete communication breakdown. My thanks […]
Can Normalization be a Bad Thing?
Can Normalization be a Bad Thing? Today I have the opportunity to share the second of David’s un-votes from the survey of “Worst Things to Do in a Database.” David does not agree that De-normalizing a database for ease of consumption by a business layer should automatically be considered a de-facto "Bad thing". He does a good job of explaining […]
Remote Databases – TIPS from the Trenches
Remote Databases – Tips from the Trenches Today I’ll continue the topic regarding accessing data from remote databases. For clarification, in this case we are talking about a Microsoft SQL Server database accessing data from a different SQL Server Database, maybe even mounted on a different Instance of SQL Server. This does not include querying data in other data repositories […]
What if a Bad Thing is Not a Bad Thing?
SelecTViews With Styphen Wynkoop All the news of the day that counts is provided here.. also, find out about normalization, what types of skills might be good for specialization and upcoming learning events…We keep you informed and up to speed on tips tricks and more. [Watch the Show] Last Day to Vote Today is the last day to vote for […]
Q & A – Group By SSWUG on Facebook Got a question on databases or development platforms? Ask on our Facebook Wall & we’ll answer on our SelecTViews program: Question and Answer – Group By Julie Asks: I have 4 records that are written into [a temp] table. Of the 4 records all columns contain identical data with the exception of 5 of them. I […]
TOP (10) Bad Things to Do In a Database – Voting Begins
TOP (10) Bad Things to Do In a Database – Voting Begins The TOP (10) list is coming along quite nicely. I’ve been very busy trying to read through all of the submissions for Bad Database Practices and consolidate them into items that are concise, and meaningful. Wow! Open something like that up to 800,000+ readers and you’ve got a […]
Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 4
New Show (and new show format!) SelecTViews – JQuery, Couchbase, Watson and Windows Phone Developer Tools…Also, the IMnsHO for Databases, SSWUG newsletter and events update and much more in our new show format! [Watch the Show] (Let us know what you think of the new format…) Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 4 The list of […]
Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 3
Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 3 We are working on building a list of the "Ten Worst Things to do in a Database". I developed a list of 15 items to start out the conversation. Yesterday we had a lot of feedback from readers. Today is the last day to add new items to the […]
Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 2
Ten Worst Things to do In a Database – Day 2 Yesterday I started a series entitled "Ten Worst Things to do in a Database". My list was too big…so we’re going to have a vote this Thursday and Friday. I’ll have a question setup on Facebook this Thursday so you can vote for your top 3 worst practices out […]