

More Code Lookup Options for Enumerations

More Code Lookup Options for Enumerations Following are more ideas for synchronizing Enumerations with database lookup tables. The goal is to have Enumerations usable in application code, validated at compile time, that have the same values as those of lookup tables in external data stores such as relational databases. Many have written to remind us that MySQL an other data […]


Code Lookup Options for Enumerations

SSWUG TV With Stephen Wynkoop Don’t miss IMHO with SQL Server MVP Denny Cherry. Watch the Show Code Lookup Options for Enumerations Yesterday I opened the topic of keeping Enumerations and lookup table values in synch. One technique I used in the past was making the lookup values in the tables the standard. I was using NetTiers for my DAL […]


A Love/Hate Relationship with Enums

Love/Hate Relationship with Enums Enums are used frequently to enforce a data domain and establish human readable names for codes. An Enum only exists in application software. It does not exist in a database. Often we have reference tables in the database in order to translate codes created by application Enum values into human readable text. Now we have the […]


Another Attack of Colossal Stupidity

Another Attack of Colossal Stupidity Like you, I also get the daily newsletter in my Inbox. I write and submit the editorial, and SSWUG builds everything else. I saw a link yesterday for one of the most frequent searches this past month, “SPOOL OUTPUT SQL SERVER”, and decided to click on it. Lo and behold, I come across a forum […]


Maintenance Task Considerations

Maintenance Task Considerations We received a number of replies regarding the Maintenance Wizard shipping with SQL Server. A number of the comments raise concerns I hadn’t even considered, such as what happens when you move to another version of SQL Server and use undocumented tools to support the MS GUI. David: I share your opinion. When you combine the three […]


SQL Server GUI in Action

SQL Server GUI in Action Recently I was replacing a maintenance task a client had put together for SQL Server database backups. I haven’t been doing this kind of work for some time, and it was a raw reminder of a number of things. I was reminded how the GUI tools for performing maintenance tasks in SQL Server provide non-DBA […]


Microsoft Goes After Big Data In a new Way

5-Year Anniversary Show – See how it all started… Stephen Wynkoop and producer Josh Harrison on the show today – with a look back at 5 years of SSWUG TV. Bloopers, how it was done, some funny moments and even a fact-check. This one is one not to miss! [Watch the Show] Featured Article(s) Data Quality Starts with Proper Data […]


Usability Test Subject Selection

New, 5-Year Anniversary Show – See how it all started… Stephen Wynkoop and producer Josh Harrison on the show today – with a look back at 5 years of SSWUG TV. Bloopers, how it was done, some funny moments and even a fact-check. This one is one not to miss! [Watch the Show] Last Show: SSWUG TV – Interview with […]


Usability Testing

Usability Testing Lately I’ve been taking time to review the concept of Usability and Usability testing. Whole disciplines have been built up around the practice. Some organizations find it extremely useful while others find it to be misdirection of resources. It seems that the design of the test itself may often be a cause of failure. Like any form of […]


Life After Upgrades

PASS 2011 Starts Today I’m sure many of us would like to be at PASS. For those of us who are not attending, don’t forget that there will be some interesting content available online. Check out www.sqlpass.org/summit for more details. If you’re attending the summit, don’t forget you have the opportunity to make donations helping the homeless in the Redmond […]