Server Automation The end of the year holidays are nearly here. Now’s the time to make sure your automated tasks are tuned up so that you can enjoy a great holiday without interruptions. Here’s a quick checklist: Backup Strategy is working and validated for adequate space Automated tuning processes are working Disk allocation is adequate Tables are defragmented Databases are […]
Killing Fragmentation
Top Five SSWUG TV Episodes of 2011 SSWUG TV was introduced in 2011 extending the already popular SSWUG media content. We added new segments on top of the regular interviews with thought leaders around the IT field. We picked our top 5 episodes in this new format, recaping some of the great content provided by our team and guests. 1. […]
Cursors V The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
SSWUG-TV Check out this latest edition of SSWUG-TV to hear Field Reporter Interviews from SQL Server MVP Kevin Kline. Watch the Show 2012 Class Development Survey Responses The results of our survey for class topics for trainging next year have been compiled. Click here to see a chart of the responses, Many of the topics we included in the survey […]
Other SSD Benefits
Other SSD Benefits Many have written in regarding different benefits of SSD performance. Some are using SSD drives in virtual machine environments resulting in greatly enhanced performance. Others are even running database builds, etc. The SSD used in this kind of configuration is very different from the ones you may find in an enterprise configuration. They are very inexpensive in […]
Cache is King
Cache is King When it comes to SQL Server, you can never have enough memory. Yesterday I circled back to the topic of SSD due to the upcoming release of SSD technology from the Intel and Micron partnership. As you may have guessed, all SSD implementations are not alike. And, no matter what, RAM is the fastest data access available […]
New SSD Coming to Market
New SSD Coming to Market Intel and Micron’s join venture into SSD technology is going to hit the market next year. They are already in production with 64 gig chips, and working to release 128 gig chips as well. SSD technology is great for slow changing data. This is due to the fact that the SSD read/write cycle is greatly […]
ScaleBase Rocks the TCP Test
ScaleBase Rocks the TCP Test Are you using MySQL for your relational data engine? Have you exhausted the amount of performance available on a single server? Are you thinking you have to find another implementation, and dreading the thought of modifying all your applications for a new engine? Here is some fantastic news just for you! The latest release of […]
Leadership vs. Career Building
What’s Going On Out There? Only you know for sure. There are so many things happening in the software world today, it is an utterly futile task to report on it all effectively. In order to increase the value of SSWUG to all of our readers, we are enabling you to increase our awareness by becoming a "Field Reporter." Intrigued? […]
Protecting Your Database
SQL Saturday Pre-Conferences (Dec. 8, 2011) SQL Saturday #104 Colorado Springs – Pre-Conference Seminar Opportunity With SolidQ and Confio Software, SSWUG.ORG is proud to partner on sponsoring three pre-conference seminars at the upcoming SQL Saturday #104 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Enjoy your SQL Server educational options with Glenn Berry’s "Scaling SQL Server," Erik Veerman’s "Data Warehouse Dimensional Design and Architecture […]
Legacy Tools
2012 Class Development Survey – Last Day to Get in When you complete our survey it helps us determine the content areas that are most important to you, as we will develop classes for our Expo next year. In exchange for your time, we are offering 25 free class registrations and/or DVDs at random to those who complete the survey […]