

Should SQL Support Regular Expressions?

Should SQL Support Regular Expressions? One of my smaller goals for this year is to become more proficient using Regular Expressions. Spending a majority of the last two decades in pure SQL allowed me to miss this gem. As I use Regular Expressions more and more, I have come to appreciate the elegance of the utility, and wonder how it […]


System Testing ? What to test?

System Testing – What to test? You can’t test everything. That is a given. Even with some of the simplest software, the number of permutations for which tests could be written is astronomical. There is also a limited amount of time to execute your tests for them to be practical. Some engines perform faster than others. Still, if it takes […]


Application Testing Considerations

Application Testing Considerations There are some key considerations when establishing your own system testing scenarios without using a turn-key automated testing engine. Here is a quick list of issues you will have to resolve: How to organize your tests How to determine what to test How to run your tests How to test in different environments Today I want to […]


Is Application Testing Still Useful?

Is Application Testing Still Useful? I believe Application Testing is an essential tool for software development. In some situations it is the only means possible to test an application; especially if the software architecture does not enable other forms of testing. Consider the two tier applications that continue to this day. Much of the software cannot be easily tested using […]


Automated Application Testing

Automated Application Testing I have been testing the waters for different open systems Web Application testing tools. A Google search will provide you with many different tools. Currently I am taking WatiN for a test run (pronounced What-in). WatiN is short for Web Application Testing in .Net. WatiN is a porting of the popular WatiR product from Ruby to the […]


Automated Application Testing

Automated Application Testing In a previous life I was the manager of system testing for a custom appliction. We were testing a pretty sophisticated software application. The team had a combination of developers and business analysts. The team ratio was 60% analysts and 40% developers. The analysts generated the tests necessary for the application using a word template providing one […]


OOP Method Coupling Levels

Last Day to Registor as a SSWUG.ORG Beta Tester If you would like to be one of the first to see the new SSWUG.ORG site in it’s Beta form, this is the last day to sign up as a Beta Tester. By participating you receive a free year of premium membership. Sign up now by fully completing this survey today. […]


OOP Basics Coupling

SSWUG-TV With Stephen Wynkoop Is your data out of control? Find some helpful tips in this edition of SSWUG-TV where we gather insights from data management experts Thomas LaRock, Sarah Barela and Malathi Mahadevan. Watch the Show OOP Basics – Coupling Yesterday we talked about the cohesion of functions in OO Programming. Cohesion defines how specific a function is to […]



Be a SSWUG.ORG Beta Tester! By late Jan. 2012, SSWUG.ORG will be launching a new version of our site. We’ll have a fresh new look with some new cool features. However, we want to make sure it ready for the masses. If you want to be one of the first to see the new SSWUG.ORG, and help determine it’s final […]