The VALUES Clause SQL Server 2008 really expanded the capabilities of the VALUES clause in a select statement. I have read about this feature a number of times, and used it infrequently. Today I came across this posting and wanted to share the link with you. It has a few really cool examples of how to take advantage of the […]
Primary Key vs. Alternate Keys
Hands-On Busines Intelligence workshop with Brian Knight Taught by the master, this seriously hands-on workshop will take you from start to finish with practical creation of a data warehouse solution. You’ll learn the real-world things you need to know, and you’ll be learning them from the master of BI, Brian Knight. The workshop will be held in the SSWUG.ORG offices, […]
Join Tables
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In this edition Laura Rose shares tips about how to work with people who take more than they give? Watch the Show Join Tables Ali writes in asking, “Would you please share some example about Join Tables in Ms. SQL Server 2005- 2008?” Ali, Today is the day. If I understand your question correctly a join […]
Dot Net ThreadPool and Timers
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In this edition Steve talks with Laura Rose about "How do you maintain confidence in your job when your boss leaves the company". Watch the Show Dot Net ThreadPool and Timers I have been playing with the System.Threading.Timer object in Dot Net for a couple days now. Historically I have used timers in forms, so I […]
Max Degrees of Parallelism and Query Optimization
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop Laura Rose is back again in this edition of SSWUG tv with some great advice on "What do you do when your peer is promoted – how do you shift your relationship?" Watch the Show Max Degrees of Parallelism and Query Optimization In response to the editorial from last Friday regarding SQL Server Parallel Queries, Derek […]
Dot Net Thread Pool
Dot Net Thread Pool Multi threading is a non-disputed technique for the individual wanting to become a Dot Net master. I have even seen people doing threading for a Microsoft Word Add-in. Historically it was often used to provide the user with indications of how much work had been done, and how much work remained, on long running tasks. Today, […]
Multi Threading
Multi Threading This week I am going to take a step way outside my comfort zone and talk about threading in SQL Server and Dot Net. My purpose here is not to provide instruction, but to raise awareness of the power and benefit of using threading in your applications. Years ago I had the luxury of adding 3 CPUs to […]
Managing an Instance of SQL Server on a Windows Server Core Installation
Managing an Instance of SQL Server on a Windows Server Core Installation Today two readers respond reminding us that most features of SQL Server can be managed from a remote server. As a result, even instances of SQL Server hosted on a Windows Server 2008 Core installation may be managed using GUI tools on hosted on remote machines. James P […]
SQL Server Running on Windows Server Core
SQL Server Running on Windows Server Core Windows Server Core is a Microsoft Windows Server deployment option reducing the overhead of the Windows Server operating system in a targeted fashion by installing and enabling only the minimum required components for the server to perform necessary tasks. For a machine dedicated to the single purpose of hosting SQL Server, this would […]
Accidental DBA Intro to SQL Server Databases
Hands-On Busines Intelligence workshop with Brian Knight Taught by the master, this seriously hands-on workshop will take you from start to finish with practical creation of a data warehouse solution. You’ll learn the real-world things you need to know, and you’ll be learning them from the master of BI, Brian Knight. The workshop will be held in the SSWUG.ORG offices, […]