SOLID – Open Closed Principle The basic principle entitled Open/Closed of the SOLID acronym is defined as “Open for extension, Closed for Modification.” This principle is implemented by utilizing the other SOLID principles in conjunction with object oriented development patterns. If you are new to SOLID and/or new to patterns, this can be overwhelming; it appears to be a form […]
SOLID – Single Responsibility
SOLID – Single Responsibility We’re back to our refresher on SOLID principles. Today we are discussing the Principle of Single Responsibility. This is probably my most favorite of all the principles, even though they work hand in hand. Single Responsibility is a practice of creating objects such that they have only one responsibility. Objects created in this fashion are considered […]
SOLID Principles of Programming
SOLID Principles of Programming Following up with the editorials from last week regarding “What Sets You Apart” as a developer I wanted to come back to the SOLID principles of object oriented development. Really understanding and implementing these principles results in more robust code. Robert C Martin introduced the acronym SOLID in the early 2000s to communicate five high level […]
What Sets You Apart ? More Reader Responses
What Sets You Apart – More Reader Responses Christine Writes: You asked, "Why is it so easy for developers to learn a syntax and think that is enough? Why don’t they want to really learn their craft?" Often, that’s all that’s asked. As a technical writer, I have been discouraged from seeking and using industry best practices, and from trying […]
What Sets You Apart? Reader Feedback
Microsoft Azure Achieves Certifications I get tweets from Kevin Kline frequently…and this one he re-tweeted from Buck Woody about the Microsoft Azure platform I felt worthy of passing on. Microsoft has been working to achieve compliance in their Azure systems with many different standards. In this announcement Microsoft is now offering Azure users a Business Associates Agreement regarding their compliance […]
What Sets You Apart?
What Sets You Apart? Yesterday I thought I was going to write more about Windows Metro and what I like about it. Instead I have been distracted with a conversation I find more interesting…at least for the time being. For the last couple of years I have been interviewing candidates for software development positions. Today I had my first experience […]
Metro and the Desktop User
Metro and the Desktop User I think this is the last newsletter to be centered around what I perceive to be the shortfall of Windows 8, primarily the Metro look and feel. There is a lot of neat stuff in it that I am looking forward to using…but at what expense? A little history…I started programming on an Apple Macintosh […]
Windows 8 for the Business User
Windows 8 for the Business User Last week I shared my initial thoughts about Windows 8 and the Metro look and feel. While it appears to be an advancement in performance over previous versions, and even has a smaller footprint, it comes at a cost for the user wanting more than a touch screen OS. Here are some thoughts from […]
I’ve Become My Father
If There Was an Information Technology Reality TV Show A couple days ago I asked what a Reality TV show might look like based on Information Technology professionals. OK, I can be a little twisted sometimes. I think there could be some good stuff there. Just look how much mileage Dilbert gets out of humor for scenarios that many of […]
Singleton A Singleton is not a computer geek who can’t get a date. Instead, a Singleton is a software design pattern allowing an application to have a variable for which there is only one instance. Every consumer of the Singleton object gets a handle to the exact same object. This technique is used in many languages such as Java, Dot […]