$$SWYNK$$ SQL Server Tip – SET NOCOUNT ON This one short clause has been known to speed up database operations for years. I have no idea why it works. If you check the variable @@ROWCOUNT after executing your command, you will get the number of rows impacted by the last SQL Statement. However, the NOCOUNT property is by default turned […]
Dealing with Lots of Data
Dealing with Lots of Data It’s not just making your database bigger, it’s more about architecture. As I’ve been talking to different people about what they’re seeing with databases, it’s becoming clear that we can do a better job planning for more data to be managed in our systems. The intriguing challenge I’ve started to see is that, while data […]
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a software development practice where changes to your software are integrated into the current code base on a regular basis. The value of continuous integration is the ability to bring new features online at the earliest possible moment. Continuous integration is accomplished by automating many of the processes for releasing software such as Building, Testing, […]
SQL Injection – and 3rd Party Applications
SQL Injection – and 3rd Party Applications Yesterday I wrote about 3rd Party Applications and the risk they can pose in your overall security model. Probably the most common issues I’ve seen involve injection, and that’s the real target of these editorials. You simply MUST talk with your vendors. There are some key things to ask about – and if […]
Clean Code
$$SWYNK$$ Do You Write Clean Code? While cruising through technical books on Amazon.com I came across a book by Robert C. Martin entitled, “Clean Code – A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.” The following quote was taken from the book, which convinced me to put it on my “TO READ” list. Robert Writes: “I know of one company that, in […]
SQL Injection – It’s Not Just About Your Code
SQL Injection – It’s Not Just About Your Code There’s an area that gets overlooked much more frequently than it should as you look to protect your systems from threats like SQL Injection. That area is third-party applications. There are so many applications that you rely on that it’s easy to overlook third party apps assuming that they’re polished and […]
SOLID Followup
SOLID Followup Today one of our readers, David, who contributes regularly to our editorial, submits three points we should consider when using SOLID principles. David Writes: It’s always good to take a “refresher course” on basic principles and practices now and then. And discussing basic principles often takes a back seat to the mechanics of basic skills or how to […]
SOLID ? Dependency Inversion Principle
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In todays edition Steve meets with Laura Rose asking the question "What is the place of socializing (texting, IM, etc) in the workplace?" You may be surprised at some of the answers. Watch the Show SOLID – Dependency Inversion Principle This is the last in the series of SOLID principles, covering the topic of Dependency Inversion. […]
SOLID ? Interface Segregation Principle
SOLID – Interface Segregation Principle This is the fourth newsletter in the series covering the topic of the SOLID Object Oriented Principles for software development. Unlike the other principles we have covered up to this point, Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, and Liskov Substitution, the Interface Segregation Principle is less transferable to languages that are not object oriented. If I were to […]
SOLID ? Liskov Substitution Principle
SOLID – Liskov Substitution Principle Today we provide an overview of the third principle in the SOLID acronym. Liskov postures that your specific class implementations should utilize an abstract implementation of external objects. In so doing, you can change the functionality of that class by substituting a different implementation of the abstract external object with another, and the containing class […]