

Final Thoughts About SQL Server Database Architects

Today is the Last Day To Register Tomorrow’s online virtual conference gets under way with replication, SQL Server 2012 features and functions, high availability, indexing, performance management and monitoring and so much more. With more than 30 technical sessions, more than 10 speakers, keynotes on Big Data, SQL Server 2012, and other technologies, you can’t go wrong. 3 days – […]


The Changing Role of the Database Architect

The Virtual Conference Starts Tuesday! It’s time to register – it’s easy, quick and you even get a DVD to choose and membership here on SSWUG.ORG. Oh, and the content! 30 sessions, more than 10 speakers, top names with top information and tips – so much information you’ll be really counting on the 45 days of included on-demand time to […]


The Database Architect Role May be Changing

SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop In this edition of SSWUGtv watch as Altova’s Peter O’Kelly talks about the new releases for all your developing needs. Don’t forget you can also download a podcast of SSWUGtv shows! Watch the Show The Database Architect Role May be Changing I received many responses from yesterdays editorial asking if the role of the Database Architect […]


Is the OLTP Programming DBA a Dying Breed?

Is the OLTP Programming DBA a Dying Breed? A number of factors have occurred that make me ask this questions. At the core of this phenomenon I find that hardware is becoming less expensive than the resources necessary to tune your software. I remember when code had to be very small and run efficiently. Today instead of working in a […]


Accidental DBA TempDb Tips

Accidental DBA TempDB Tips TempDB optimization is important for every SQL Server installation, regardless of version. Often an accidental DBA will use the default TempDB installation option, and many times will experience adequate performance. However, there are a few techniques you can use to optimize your TempDB. Since this database is used by SQL Server across all databases, it can […]


Should I Shrink My Transaction Log

With Only Days Until It Starts, Now is the Time to Check it Out We have pulled together more than 35 all-technical sessions from the top names in the world, all for you. Remember when you saw virtual conferences and thought "hey, this could be really great!" – but then got tired of sales webinars? You won’t find any of […]


Application Development Strategies ? Reader Responses

SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop Do you know what is "Bachelor Programming Syndrome"? If you watch this episode of SSWUGtv featuring Craig Mullins you’ll know for sure! Watch the Show Application Development Strategies – Reader Responses Historically responses to these kinds of questions lean toward data driven design techniques. That’s not a big surprise based on the history of SSWUG. Even […]


SQL Server App Locks

SQL Server App Locks I like to do three different kinds of reading. For solving problems I like to do web searches to locate solutions or syntax. A second kind of reading I like to do is scanning where I am looking for topics of which I am not aware (which gets bigger every day). The third type of reading […]


Benefits of Data Driven Design

Benefits of Data Driven Design When using Data Driven Design (DDD, see the editorial for a description) the developer first designs data storage in a relational database. Once the database design is complete, business objects are derived along with an implementation of persistence code based on the database design. Your objects and database are closely linked in design, not in […]


Benefits of Domain Model Driven Design

An Online Conference with REAL Technical Sessions? You bet. Check out the SSWUG.ORG Virtual Conference – more than 30 sessions from top MVP speakers, talking about real-world solutions. Get more information here… time is running out to register, and you get a DVD *and* a SSWUG membership with your registration. You can’t go wrong. Check out the site for more […]