SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop Managers often consider the impact of social media on the performance of their employees. Things aren’t getting done…but they used to. Then they start watching and restricting texting, IM, facebook, twitter, etc) to get a handle on things. Sometimes these restrictions make it harder to do your job. What is the appropriate use of social media […]
We need your input … and RBS To the BLOB Rescue
We Need Your Help! — but time is running out! (…and you can win a prize!) We’re working with Infochimps to learn more about big data projects – YOUR big data projects! We’re looking for your feedback in our quick survey about big data and your CIO. Please take a few minutes and let us know your thoughts – we […]
I Have BLOBs in My Database…Now What?
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop Just because you are in the Cloud doesn’t mean you don’t need Disaster Recovery Solutions. Do you have a plan worked out? In this episode of SSWUGtv, Doron Pinhas shares some some great tips. Watch the Show We Need Your Help! (…and you can win a prize!) We’re working with Infochimps to learn more about big […]
Big Data in Your Database
Big Data in Your Database Today I wanted to bring up the topic of storing big data in your database. I’m not talking about big data such as unstructured data used for data mining. I’m talking about big data in the form of Binary Large Objects (BLOB) which has structure internally, but no meaningful value as a database attribute. This […]
Fragile – Handle With Care
Fragile – Handle With Care IMHO, this is the worst phrase to hear about your software system, only surpassed by the worse phrase, do not touch. Fragile software is probably the worst scourge of a any product. If so, why is it a common occurrence? Fragile code is often not extensible; new features can’t be added to it. Other times […]
Steps to Database Design (and we need your help!)
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop What is a personal commitment plan, and how can you get your boss to agree to one? Laura Rose is back on the show with some helpful tips! Watch the Show We Need Your Help! (…and you can win a prize!) We’re looking for your feedback in our quick survey about big data and your CIO. […]
Flights, Dates and Times
SSWUGtv with Stephen Wynkoop Simplify Managing your systems: local/private systems, on the cloud – or wherever! Watch this edition of SSWUGtv as Don Boxley from DH2i brings you solutions. Watch the Show Flights, Dates and Times The last couple of days we have been talking about Business Rules and where to apply them. An example of an Airline Flight was […]
An error in the Rule?
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkooop Altova’s Peter O’Kelly talks about the new releases for all your developing needs. Watch the Show An error in the Rule? In response to yesterday’s editorial Ralph writes: Your business rules for booking a flight may sound great to you but there is actually a flaw in them as stated. I have often done "day trips", […]
Check Constraint Implementing Business Rule
SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop If someone asked you, "as a DBA…what are the key things you need to know", what would your answer be? Hear SQL Expert Craig Mullins share his biggest DBA tips in this episode of SSWUGtv. Watch the Show Check Constraint Implementing Business Rules In a series of Email Exchanges with Annamnidu we were discussing implementing of […]
SQL Server ETL History
SSWUGtv Our host, Stephen Wynkoop, interviews Don Boxley of DH2i on today’s show. Together they explore the challenges of managing your systems, local/private, on the cloud – or wherever! As the cloud grows, or our systems become more distributed, system mangement becomes more complicated. Watch the Show SQL Server ETL History SQL Server has had a number of tools for […]