

The Changing Role of the SQL Server DBA

SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop Today Laura Rose is back again with great tips to help you be more effective in your career. Laura shares tips for easy communication with your manager – important for performance reviews! Watch the Show The Changing Role of the SQL Server DBA Over the last Seven years my role as a SQL Server DBA has […]


SQL Authentication Questions

SSWUGtv With Stephen Wynkoop What is dual-control, and why should you care? Patrick Townsend talks all about security on today’s show. Watch the Show SQL Authentication Questions Today we have many different kinds of responses wrapped around SQL Authentication. Mark and Richard write in with solutions for Remote Server Authentication problem shared by John yesterday. In my example of using […]


Miscellaneous Reader Feeback

Miscellaneous Reader Feeback Today we share responses from readers on different recent topics. John writes regarding SQL Authentication We have also been working on tightening up security for our SQL Server accounts. One interesting problem I found for us was dealing with linked servers. We use Active Directory for authenticating to our SQL Servers for one of our data repositories. […]


Useful Cartesian Products

Database Authentication Reader Comments Eric: I know this all too well. I have inherited a database that was setup before moving into the DBA role. First I found ‘Domain Users’ were sysadmins, which was corrected. Then I recently found that the DSN’s the clients use to connect are connecting with ‘sa’!! I believe the ‘sa’ was setup by the system […]


SQL Authentication

SQL Authentication Application Authentication to SQL Server frequently seems to be one of the last things we think about when writing web applications. I make that assertion because I see so many companies where I consult having a connection string embedded in their application code, or config file in plain text. When I go look at SQL Server, the credentials […]


Command Query Responsibility Segregation

Command Query Responsibility Segregation Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an extension to software development principle “Separation of Concerns.” CQRS is implemented by a number of software patterns resulting in a highly scalable solution. The basic concept of CQRS is that of a Command and a Query. A command creates or modifies data. A Query retrieves data. In a CQRS […]


CodePlex New Features Help SQL Server DBAs

CodePlex New Features Help SQL Server DBAs Microsoft created the CodePlex project for Open Source Software site with the goal of providing a centralized gallery of samples using different portions of the Microsoft technologies in order to solve real world problems. It started primarily to work with Dot Net based technologies. Database aspects were often implemented through SQL DMO or […]


Fragile ? Handle With Care Reprise

Fragile – Handle With Care Reprise Today I’m revisiting the topic of Fragile – Handle With Care in response to an Email from Philippe. Philippe writes: I am working everyday on such a handle with care software. This software represents about 600 000 lines of C++ code. We are a team of 2 persons managing this software. IHMO, the bunch […]


BLOB Data in NoSQL

SSWUGtv – Windows Server AppFabric with Stephen Wynkoop In today’s edition of SSWUGtv Steve interviews Rick Garibay on his new book: Microsoft Windows Server AppFabric Cookbook. I’ve been using Application Fabrics (Not Windows) for a few years now…can’t wait to see how Windows compares. Watch the Show BLOB Data in NoSQL Today I wanted to explore a hybrid solution of […]


BLOB Storage Inside the Database

BLOB Storage Inside the Database Today I’m including responses from those on the fence or looking for BLOB direction. Others have written in advocating putting BLOB data inside the database. The question is one that many developers still face. And, many people are still having to work with legacy systems as well. I would guess the percentage of SQL Server […]