

It’s Not Just Microsoft Being Attacked

With the Equifax exploit being exposed it has become clear that hackers are not restricting their efforts to the Microsoft Stack. When Equifax released the method of intrusion into their system, it was based on a popular Java framework called Struts. Struts has been around a long time, and was one of the earlier tools that popularized the MVC pattern, […]



So you like the simplicity of the SQL Language. What if you could use SQL syntax against data that is not structured? Well, that is U-SQL. To get started using U-SQL you can find an introduction with links to more tutorials at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-analytics/data-lake-analytics-u-sql-get-started. We already have the ability to work with data that may not be contained in an SQL Server […]


Analytic Functions

Since SQL Server 2012 was released, the SQL Server engine supports a new class of aggregate functions they have named Analytic. You can find documentation for the Analytic.functions at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/analytic-functions-transact-sql. What I find that is cool about these Analytic functions is that they extend beyond the existing set of aggregate functions, allowing you to build queries that you could do previously,...

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We Need Standards

While it may be politically correct to agree to disagree sometimes we require agreement on standards. We need standardization. Not because it is the ONLY RIGHT WAY to do anything. We need it because when things are done in a consistent fashion, multiple people can work on a project efficiently, because they know how things are put together. You could […]


How Do We Disagree

When it comes to working in IT it isn’t very hard to find an issue where people disagree. In fact, I think we have turned disagreement into an art. I believe that it is probably unrealistic to think a team of IT professionals will ever come to a point of agreement. If that’s true, what do we do? Frankly, I […]


Database Connection Encryption

A high priority for developers working with SQL data stores is to establish a way to access our Database without exposing our credentials. We want to protect our application from Hackers and hide the methods to establish a connection… This can be a bit of a problem with the most common method of establishing a database connection for our application […]

Editorials Pro Members Standard Members

Anemic Objects

Object Oriented Code has the distinction of consolidating both exposed properties and methods within a single object. Moreover, there may also be methods contained in that object, not exposed to the world. We seem to be moving away from that design. It would seem that in modern software development environments we have moved away from intelligent objects closer to what...

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Misleading Security Claims and Processes

I find myself shaking my head more and more about how things are rolling along with Security, and in particular (of course), data security. When I talk with people, and when you look at comments to posts on data breach articles, you see that so many don’t understand just how broad your data security and protection needs to be.  I’ve...

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The Version Advantage of SQL Azure

When it comes to keeping current with the capabilities of the SQL Server platform, SQL Azure has a bit of an advantage. If you are doing self hosted SQL Server on your own hardware or using Platform as a Service with your own SQL Server instances, then it is your responsibility to upgrade the version of SQL Server in use....

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Lets Get Some Passion

As I continue to interact with people working in IT I continue to be surprised at the number of people who are simply getting by. They have no passion for their chosen profession. Where do they fit into your organization? Sometimes it’s nice to have a software developer who learns a code pattern and can churn it out over and...

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