(David Ramel) Plagued by proliferating piles of unused .NET Core SDKs and runtimes as you accompany Microsoft on its journey to the open-source, cross-platform future?
Storage and Indexed access of denormalized columns (arrays) on MySQL 8.0, via multi-valued indexes
(Saverio Miroddi) Another “missing and missed” functionality in MySQL is a data type for arrays.
Different Ways to Write a Cursor in SQL Server
(Simon Liew) Can you provide different examples of how a cursor can be written in SQL Server?
IoT System for Data Acquisition with REDIS and GO Language
(José Cintra) An IoT data acquisition system consists of a network of sensors that send your data to one or more central units that, in turn, process and store that data, allowing you to monitor and control devices located locally or remotely.
Visualising Power BI Premium And Azure Analysis Services Query Parallelism
(Chris Webb) In my last post I showed how to connect SQL Server Profiler up to a Power BI Premium dataset but I didn’t give you any examples of why this might be useful.
Considerations for Deploying Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
(Marcin Policht) Microsoft provides a number of different deployment options for its Azure SQL Database offerings. We have reviewed a number of them on this forum, including the recently introduced Azure SQL Database Serverless.
New Tools to Work with XBRL in Excel
(Erin Cavanaugh) With the importance of accurate, standardized financial reporting enforced through XBRL filing mandates, having XBRL tools you can rely on is a must.
Use Cloud Functions for security scans (IBM Cloud Security Advisor)
(Henrik Loeser) After the introduction to custom metrics in IBM Cloud Security Advisor and an overview of how to manage custom findings on the command line, I am going to discuss how you can perform your own security scans and add the results to the security advisor.
Using FLASHBACK DATABASE for [destructive] D.R. Testing
(Hemant K Chitale) Testing your Disaster Recovery strategy with an Oracle Standby Database can be at different “levels” for the database :
#755 OIC – Oracle Field Service Adapter
(Niall Commiskey) Like all OIC adapters, the OFS adapter has comprehensive documentation.