(Pinal Dave) SQL Always-On feature is so tied to cluster that sometimes you would need to look at various logs to fix a failure. In this blog I would share my learning about fixing error LogonUserExEx fails for user & GetToken – Logging on as the CNO failed with error 1326.
Which Cloud Provider Performs Better for My Mysql Workload?
(Ananias Tsalouchidis) More and more people are nowadays thinking of cloud migration. The question of “Which cloud provider performs better for my MySQL workload?” is really common but cannot always be easily answered.
Essentials Of TypeScript Functions
(Bipin Joshi) In the previous article of this series you learned about TypeScript variables and their data types. A common JavaScript construct is function.
C# Design Patterns – Facade
In this article, we are about to cover another design pattern in C#, this time a structural one. That pattern is the Facade Pattern.
A Look at the Oracle Group-by Bug
(David Fitzjarrell) Oracle introduced a new feature, group by elimination, for queries where the group by column is also the table’s unique key.
How to define custom rules for Work Items in Azure DevOps
(Abhijit Jana) We can define custom rules for work items in Azure DevOps that support several business validations and use cases.
Using FreeRadius To Authorize Oracle Connections
(Jared Still) This article will show how to configure the FreeRadius RADIUS server for use in authorizing Oracle connections.
Combinations and consequences
(Connor McDonald) Fellow Perth techie Scott Wesley sent me this interesting puzzle recently. He was using the long awaited feature of being (finally) able to assign a sequence value via the DEFAULT clause in a table definition.
Guru: SQL Checks For Control Breaks
(Ted Holt) A control break occurs when the combined value of one or more fields changes from one row (record) to the next when reading a data set sequentially. I used to write RPG programs with control breaks often.
ReactJS onClick Example
(Siddharth Seth) In this example, we will see an example of the ReactJS onClick event. We will discover ways to handle the click event of HTML elements using ReactJS.