FootPrints is a completely Web-based problem tracking and help-desk software system that can be customized using a simple graphical interface. The Web interface makes FootPrints easy to configure.
Distributed XML storage with Mnesia
Nat Makarevitch writes with news of IDX XMnesia, an Erlang library allowing storage of XML data in an Mnesia database. Mnesia is a distributed database management system, suitable for continuous operation soft real-time applications. It is part of Erlang.
Developing a Content Management Application Using ASP and XML
By Jeremy Lowery There has been quite a bit of hype about XML in the past few years. Some people see it as a universal fix for all data management problems. Others see it as another non-standardized technology that could end up destroying the web because of its pure extensible nature. Of cours
Ten Features to Make XML Development a Pleasure
As XML moves into the mainstream of development, it's becoming obvious to many of us who write XML applications that XML editing and other development features are sorely lacking. Thus far, companies such as Microsoft, Sun, and IBM have focused on improving the speed and information-retrieval ca
Support WebCast: Understanding INSTEAD OF Triggers
Microsoft's Dinesh Murthy, a developer support engineer on the SQL Server database development team, will host a Web presentation January 16 at 10 A.M. (Pacific Time) about SQL Server 2000's new INSTEAD OF trigger support.
Hit List 4.6
A midsize company needs a midrange solution. Accrue Software's Hit List 4.6 offers much of the data-filtering and customization capabilities of a high-end product, without the six-figure price tag. What you sacrifice is OLAP (online analytical processing) and data mining.
OASIS Technical Committee Work
by Karl F. Best The mission of OASIS is to promote and encourage the use of structured information standards such as XML and SGML. An important part of this mission is the development of vertical industry applications, conformance tests, interoperability specifications, and so on that make core
The pot at the end of the namespace rainbow
Over the holiday break members of XML-DEV have decided to put a constructive end to the controversy over what should be "at the end" of a dereferenceable namespace URI. The activity commenced after a long and involved discussion centering around the practice of placing XML Schemas at the
XML Protocol for net services needs protection, but who will provide it?
by Karen Heyman, Tristan Louis, Scott M. Fulton III The leading contender for the communications protocol that facilitates the world's business transactions is designed to transmit data over HTTP, in the clear. Although some of the creators of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) have expre
Print SQL Server 6.5+ Dictionary
Print SQL Server 6.5+ Dictionary is a Windows utility to produce professional-looking reports using SQL Server 6.5 object definitions (tables, views, stored procedures, defaults, etc.). Control font size, color, and style in headers, footers and more.