

SQL Server crosstab utility

Welcome to RAC, the R(eplacement) for the A(ccess) C(rosstab) query, written exclusively for MS Server 7 and S2k. Use RAC to produce basic crosstab tables. Take advantage of the many computational and report type features to create more elaborate tables. Use RAC to perform various data manipulations


XML Ain't What It Used To Be

by Simon St. Laurent Current XML development at the W3C threatens to obliterate the original promise of XML — a clean, cheap format for sharing information — by piling on too many features and obscuring what XML does best. While users may demand some of those features for some applications, f


Seven Simple Steps

Seven Simple Steps has many unique features but it can be called a “source code generator”. If Microsoft Front Page allows you to channel your creativity into colorful and static web sites then Seven Simple Steps is a tool that allows you to turn your data files into well-constructed dynamic data fo


eXcelon Unveils Portal Server 3.0

eXcelon Corporation, a leading provider of XML-based business-to-business infrastructure solutions, introduced eXcelon Portal Server 3.0. The next major release of the company's XML-based platform for developing and delivering self-service applications, Portal Server 3.0 includes a new integrate