

Server-side Caching

Even if you fine-tune your database, your ADO code, your network, and so on, you will find that there is another way that beats them all when it comes to performance: caching. Caching is an old technique for increasing performance by storing frequently-used data on the server, therefore reducing cos


ADO.NET's Primary Objects

By Michael Otey The Microsoft .NET Framework promises to dramatically change the way you and I develop applications—including how we provide data access. ADO.NET, the next generation of ADO, will be the primary data access API for Microsoft .NET applications. If you already know ADO, you'll


MSXML 3.0 Illustrated

XML is becoming more and more popular, so are it's surrounding technologies like XSLT, SOAP, etc. Microsoft is doing good job keeping up with the standards and it was proved when MSXML 3.0 was released in November last year. MSXML 3.0 Web release is a perfect DOM based XML parser, with SAX 2.0 s


VoiceXML tutorials

Adding VoiceXML to your Web site can be an effective way to make your content accessible to many more customers. This is Part I of a comprehensive tutorial on the VoiceXML specification, so get ready to have some fun and be sure to come back for Part II where we will develop a complete dynamic Voice