by Piroz Mohseni The XML parser world is a dynamic one. As standards change, the parsers change as well–XML parsers are becoming more sophisticated. For most programming projects, the parser, at minimum, must support DOM Level 2, SAX 2, XSLT, and Namespaces. All the parsers discussed here prov
On implementing RDF
By Edd Dumbill<br> Brian McBride, creator of the Jena RDF API, has written a paper on his experiences of implementing the RDF 1.0 Model and Syntax specification. In particular he covers some of the common bugbears of the RDF implementor community including anonymous resources and reification. McBri
SQL Compare and Data Compare updated
Red Gate Software has released new versions of SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare for database comparison and synchronization. SQL Compare will synchronize the structure of SQL Databases. It now has improved SQL 2000 support and a number of other enhancements.
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Development from Scratch
By Rob HawthorneGet out your long forgotten secret decoder ring, as you will find it handy when reading this new book on SQL Server 2000 development. In this book, you will learn how to design, create, develop, and manage a database application you can use to manage your own private spy network.
TAXI to the Future
Tim Bray presents TAXI, a Web application architecture that utilises the power of XML to deliver a responsive user environment.
Editing XML with XSL and ASP
By Michael QuallsThis article is a follow up to the Saving HTML Form Data to XML article. If you have not read Saving HTML Form Data to XML, I suggest that you do so now. This article builds upon it. I have received pretty positive feedback on the Saving HTML Form Data to XML sample, but many pe
Connecting E-commerce Systems with XML
There is increasing need to connect different e-commerce systems driven by the following requirements: ·mergers and acquisitions require different IT systems to be combined ·business-to-business solutions requires exchanging data with business partners Connecting systems together results in increase
The Three Modes of SQL Server XML
By Dave HulseOne promise of the XML standard is that it will provide data streams that are not only platform independent but also vendor (or organization) independent. For example, a healthcare industry standards group is attempting to develop XML message formats that will allow data sharing thr
Not All SQL Server Indexes Are Created Equal
by Brad M. McGehee If you have much experience with indexes at all, you are probably already familiar with the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes. But this article is not about them. This article is about whether or not the SQL Server Query Optimizer will use your carefully
Saving HTML Form Data to XML
By Michael QuallsUsually form submissions in ASP are written to some sort of database management system. However, if you need your form submission data to be more portable, it can be written to an XML file. This is especially useful when the data you are gathering on your Web site will be sent t