(Peter Vogel) GraphQL gives clients who call your Web services the ability to specify what properties of your data objects they want. Here are two ways to let those clients also specify which data objects they want.
Built-In Functions And Member-Methods Return Different Data Types In Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) The other day, when I was exploring the ProcessBuilder class in Lucee CFML, I coded something that should have been a bug; but, that ended-up working. In fact, I didn’t even see the issue until after I had posted the article.
Using Azure Resource Graph to show ASC container image scan findings
(Daniel Neumann) In my previous blog post I showed you how to connect your Azure Container Registries with Azure Security Center.
(mdinh) If you just want the solution, then read Database Startup Fails With ORA-00119 (Doc ID 471767.1)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Part 5 – Gateways….
(Aman) In the last post, we understood what’s a Virtual Cloud Network(VCN). In this post, we shall understand how VCN works with gateways within OCI.
What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
(Jonathan Johnson) A short definition of the internet of things (IoT) is a collection of small devices connected to the internet. The IoT takes the concept “internet” a step further, beyond most people’s use cases.
Fix ORDS issue: No pools configured yet
(Dimitri Gielis) In a previous post, I blogged how I do my Oracle APEX upgrade, and part of that is to copy ORDS.
Alexa Skill With Node.js
(Xavier Portilla Edo) In this article, we implement a custom Skill for Amazon Alexa by using Node.js, npm, and AWS Lambda Functions.
Five Mistakes To Avoid When Migrating To Power BI From Another BI Platform
(Chris Webb) Now that Power BI is so popular, it’s becoming more and more common for organisations to migrate their reports from other BI platforms to Power BI. And why not?
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm in Java
(AjithKp560_) The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm, also called exponential key exchange, which is one of the public key exchange algorithm used in cryptography.