To run Kubernetes in your local environment, Minikube is your choice. Minikube is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a Virtual Machine on your local machine and deploys a simple cluster containing only one node.
Do We Have an Obsession with Ducks in Software Development?
(Steve Gordon) Excuse the slightly unusual blog post, but we are living in quite unusual times as I write this. I thought this post might be a mood lightener for a few of my regular readers!
Database Compatibility Matrix for Oracle Graph Server and Client
(Jean Ihm and Melliyal Annamalai) Oracle Graph Server and Client is a software package required for use with the Property Graph feature of Oracle Database. It is available for separate download from e-delivery and
Tracing Library Cache Locks
(Nenad Noveljic) While working on a recent problem, I missed a possibility of tracing library cache locks. In contrast, row cache locks can be traced with the event 10222:
ADF Performance Monitor New Version 9.5
(Frank Houweling) We have again a major new version of the ADF Performance Monitor available – version 9.5 ! We have added many new valuable features and improvements.
Db2 for z/OS and Managing Database Changes – Part 3
(Craig S. Mullins) Welcome to the third installment of our series examining the types of database changes that can be performed using Db2 for z/OS. In part 1 we introduced the three types of changes and in part 2 we looked at simple changes.
Configure SQL Server Backup to URL Using Azure Cloud Shell
(Allan Hirt) I had to do something this weekend that involved the SQL Server feature backup to URL which allows you to back up databases in a SQL Server instance directly to Azure blob storage. That PowerShell there is quite the adventure … and cumbersome.
Difference Between Observable and Promise in Angular 8
(Siddharth Gajbhiye) In this article, we discuss the difference between Promises and Observables in Angular 8 and when to use each for API requests.
Type Conversions in JavaScript
(Vijayakumar S) There are two types of type conversions (or) typecasting,
SQL Terms vs MongoDB Terms
(Pinal Dave) This blog post is a bit of a different post than the normal blog posts which I write as the topic of this blog post is SQL Terms vs MongoDB Terms.