(Carlos Salguero) Even though Percona Monitoring and Management 2 (PMM) comes with a lot of dashboards and metrics out of the box, sometimes we need to extend the default metrics by running custom MySQL queries.
Struct Iteration With CFLoop Exposes Both Key And Value In Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) Back in February, when I was having lunch with Gert Franz, co-creator of Lucee CFML, we were commiserating on how amazing ColdFusion is.
#780 OIC –> Netsuite Asynchronous Request Processing
(Niall Commiskey) Another feature supported by the OIC Netsuite adapter –
Exploring Proxy to Achieve DOM Intellisense with TypeScript for Element Binding, Two Way Data Binding, Events, and More
(Marc Clifton) I have found it a useful exploration of how to leverage the Proxy type to bind class properties to HTML elements, achieve two way binding, subscribe to UI events, and so forth, all using actual “edit-time” types for type safety and Intellisense support – as in, eliminate literal strin
SQL Server Integration Services Flexible File System Task with Azure Blob Storage
(John Miner) There are existing on premises SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages that use the Azure Blob Download and Azure Blob Upload tasks to move files between on premises and cloud storage systems.
Use MySQL in Quarkus with Hibernate and Panache
(Kasra Madadipouya) Quarkus is a supersonic Java framework built with a cloud-native first mentality. It’s blazing fast in startup and has a much smaller memory footprint compared to Spring Boot. Quarkus is well integrated with Hibernate and works flawlessly.
Configuring Custom Feature Filters with Azure App Configuration (Microsoft.FeatureManagement)
(Jason Roberts) This is part ten in a series of articles.
ORA-01722 During Upgrade to 18.10
(Liron Amitzi) These days I’m in the progress of patching all databases for a specific client to 18.10 (from 18.9 as we need to be up to date).
How To: ‘Private’ In JavaScript (ES6) Classes
(Sean Franklin) While using JavaScript, you might be dearly missing our friend “private” from statically-typed languages like C#, C++, and Java. Using a little finesse, we can actually achieve true encapsulation using local variables in vanilla JavaScript (ES6) classes.
Azure Data Studio – Explain SQL Server Execution Plan
(Pinal Dave) After reading my yesterday’s blog post on Azure Data Studio- Export Any SQL SERVER Query As JSON, I got a question from my regular client of Comprehensive Database Performance Health Check. The question was about is there any way we can see SQL Server Execution Plan in Azure Data Studio