(mdinh) Typically, GoldenGate monitoring is performed by GoldenGate user.
Syntax Highlighting With SQL Developer
(Philipp Salvisberg) A customer asked me if it is possible to show unused identifiers in SQL Developer. Since there is no PL/SQL compile warning for that, you might be tempted to say no. But you can always use PL/SQL Cop for static code analysis.
The Oracle database museum: running old versions of the Oracle database
(Frits Hoogland) All Oracle database professionals know the current versions of the Oracle database (12.2, 18, 19, 20 at the moment of writing), and we also know the pace Oracle corporation keeps is so high that a lot of companies are having a hard time keeping up with the current versions.
Your 2 best options to fix Hibernate’s MultipleBagFetchException
(Thorben Janssen) You probably learned that you should use FetchType.LAZY for all of your associations. It ensures that Hibernate initializes an association when you use it and doesn’t spend any time getting data you don’t need.
DB2 for z/OS Locking for Application Developers Part 7
(Gareth Copplestone-Jones) This is the seventh article in the series on DB2 Locking for Application Developers. So far we’ve covered a lot of topics, including the ACID database transaction properties, lock size, lock mode and lock duration, transaction isolation levels and data anomalies, all with
Storing XML data in SQL Server
(Vladimir Klimov) When working on the release of dbForge Transaction Log, among other tasks, our team had to puzzle out how to properly store typed XML data.
agGrid for Angular (The Missing Manual)
(Michael Gledhill) In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get started with using agGrid with Angular, and explain how to get around the frustrating pieces that are missing.
Sending mail messages from SQL Server
(Eric Blinn) I need my SQL Server T-SQL program to send an email message. What options are available to send email from SQL Server?
What’s the Best Way to Enable (And Test) Encryption at Rest in RDS?
(Mike Benshoof) The other day on a call, a client asked me an interesting question. We were discussing some testing they were doing in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
Drawing with FabricJS and TypeScript Part 1: Intro, Goals and Setup
(Matthew Jones) Given how often I’ve mentioned it recently, my dear readers, you are probably aware that my team and I have been working on a new project.