(Martin) Martin discussed the issues for the DBA in a brand new environment, including integration with DevOps.
SQL 2019 UDF (User defined function) inlining
(Daniel Janik) SQL Server 2019 brings a lot of great new features. Many are introduced by the IQP (Intelligent Query Processing) features and greatly improve query performance.
ReactJS or AngularJS: Which Is Best for IoT?
(Dr. Michael Garbade) This article outlines the benefits offered by both ReactJS and AngularJS, and the factors you need to consider when selecting which one to use for IoT product development.
Database Fundamentals #25: Referential Integrity
(Grant Fritchey) If you have been reading through all my fundamentals posts and following along, you have built a small sample database, loaded it with data, and learned how to retrieve the data from it.
Fractal Tree with Lines/Polygons Written in Java
(Marijan Nikic) This is a simple Java program that draws a fractal tree by using either lines or filled polygons. It contains two JFrames, the first one for drawing the shape, and the second one for changing some control parameters.
The Truth about Job Descriptions
(Cate Murray) Your current position is coming to an end and you’re in the market for a new job. As you’re looking through online job postings, you notice some of the following:
Clustering Non-Numeric Data Using C#
(James McCaffrey) Clustering data is the process of grouping items so that items in a group (cluster) are similar and items in different groups are dissimilar.
Modify Multiple Documents in a MySQL Document Store Collection
(Dave Stokes) The MySQL Document Store is an quick and easy to use NoSQL JSON Document Database that was designed to be easy to use. But there is one thing that may not be obvious if you are working to modify multiple documents.
Demystifying Pipelines in Azure DevOps (Build and Deployment)
(Subodh Sohoni) Azure Pipelines has been used to describe a workflow for build, multiple workflow branches in release and deployment, as well as in the licensing and pricing terminology of Azure Pipelines. This tutorial aims to clear this ambiguity associated with Azure Pipelines.
Microsoft Feature Flags: Controlling Features with Feature Filters (Microsoft.FeatureManagement)
(Jason Roberts) This is the third part in a series.