(Jeremy Kadlec) Your organization has a number of “legacy” SQL Server instances and data centric applications that have grown over the years to support your core business needs and come up to compliance.
MySQL Security – Dual Password Support
(Olivier Dasini) When thinking about security within a MySQL installation, you can consider a wide range of possible procedures / best practices and how they affect the security of your MySQL server and related applications.
Unit Testing in ASP .NET Core 3.1
(Shahed C) This is the twenty-first of a new series of posts on ASP .NET Core 3.1 for 2020. In this series, we’ll cover 26 topics over a span of 26 weeks from January through June 2020, titled ASP .NET Core A-Z!
EF Core In depth – what happens when EF Core writes to the database?
(Jon P Smith) This article is the second “under the hood” view of what happens when you use EF Core. The first was about reading from the database, and this article is about writing to the database.
AWS Shop example: Smoke and performance tests
(Frederique Retsema) In the previous blog, I talked about unit tests of the AWS Shop example [1]. Today, I will continue with a smoke test and a performance test.
Architecting a Cloud-Native Service with .NET and AWS
(Steve Gordon) At Madgex, we are currently building out v6 of our world-leading job board software. With v6, we are breaking the monolith and applying a microservices architecture.
patch the unpatchable
(Martin Berger) Oracle provides several VM for demo and training purpose. One of them is the Database Virtual Box Appliance / Virtual Machine. It’s very clear these VMs are only for testing purpose.
OIC: How to Find Human Task by Correlation and How to Abort a Parallel Task
(Jan Kettenis) This article explains how you can find an instance of a Human Task of process instance in the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) without knowing its task number, and how you can use that for example to withdraw a parallel task.
Data quality: The key to building a modern and cost-effective data warehouse
(Andrew Buckler) Turning raw data into improved business performance is a multilayered problem, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. To make things simpler, let’s start at the end and work backwards.
AWS DynamoDB version field using AWS SDK for Java 2
(Biju Kunjummen) It is useful to have a version attribute on any entity saved to an AWS DynamoDB database which is simply a numeric indication of the number of times the entity has been modified.