(Siddharth Gajbhiye) To explain the concept of localization and number format based on their locale I am taking my previous article as reference to display the price based on different countries and their currencies.
Extended Events Misperceptions: Profiler is Easier
(Grant Fritchey) I know, I know, I’m on #teamexevents so I think that Extended Events can do no wrong, but let’s address this thought that Profiler is easier.
PowerShell to Backup XE Session
(Jason Brimhall) Quite some time ago, I shared a few articles that peeled back the top layer of how to use PowerShell (PoSh) with Extended Events (XEvents). Among those articles, I showed how to retrieve the metadata, predicates and actions, and targets (to mention a few).
Learning the Basics: Methods in Java
(Anders Olsen) Learn everything you need to know about methods in Java.
SPSS Modeler: IBM Watson Studio’s Best Friend
(David Shirey) Once you have IBM Watson Studio, are you all set?
Using the MVVM pattern in WPF applications running on .NET Core
(Marco Minerva) Some time ago we talked about leveraging .NET Core features (like Host Builder, Service Provider and Dependency Injection) in WPF applications. Now it’s time to integrate them with the MVVM pattern.
Trying out Container Tools in Visual Studio 2019
(Scott Hanselman) I’ve been doing more and more work in Docker containers (rather than on the metal) and I noticed recently that Visual Studio 2019 added updated support for containers within VS itself so gave it a try.
The ‘Top’ Argument In Dump() Will Not Protect You From Circular References In Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) The other day, I had a typo in my ColdFusion code that was accidentally creating a circular reference in one of my data-structures.
Performance on Classic Reports with LOVs
(Scott Wesley) Just an observation made yesterday that I thougt was worth everone’s consideration.
Part 1: Docker for Oracle Database Applications in Node.js and Python
(Christopher Jones) Welcome to this two part series on using Docker for Oracle Database applications.