(Daniel Janik) Let’s talk about what XLOCK is supposed to do. XLOCK is a table hint that can be applied to a query to place an exclusive lock on the resources that the query accesses.
Software, Aesthetics, and Craft: How Java, Lisp, and Agile Shape and Reflect Their Culture
(Ian Miell) The software industry is permeated with metaphors borrowed from architecture and construction.
Techniques to move Db2 data from PROD to TEST (and related considerations)
(Philippe Dubost) In large scale organizations, it is often necessary to move data from Db2 Production subsystems to Test subsystems.
MySQL Distributed Logical Backups: a Proof of Concept
(Daniel Guzmán Burgos) The importance of having periodic backups is a given in Database life. There are different flavors: binary ones (Percona XtraBackup), binlog backups, disk snapshots (lvm, ebs, etc) and the classic ones: logical backups, the ones that you can take with tools like mysqldump, myd
Hosting your own NuGet Server and Feed for build artifacts with BaGet
(Scott Hanselman) NuGet is the package management system underlying the .NET programming platform. Just like Ruby Gems or NPM Packages, you can bring in 3rd party packages or make your own.
How to Operate on Strings in C++
(Manoj Debnath) A string, at its core, simply means an array or characters terminated by a binary zero or null character as the final element in the array. The C-style of dealing with strings means every bit of it and therein lies the problem. Programmers need to be extra careful in dealing with cha
What’s Coming Up for Azure DevOps Boards, Repos, Pipelines and More
(David Ramel) While Microsoft’s Azure DevOps team has been busy lately, introducing Scalar to speed up Git operations and other initiatives, much more work is planned for the cloud-based successor to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).
PART 1: Creating An Oracle 18c Centrally Managed Users Testbed Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
(Simon Pane) Oracle Database 18c introduced a new feature called Centrally Managed Users (CMU) to allow simplified database user management through integration with Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
Validate data type within SQL
(Scott Wesley) For all those pushing data around, especially dirty data, this one is for you.
Run Always Free Docker Container on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
(Lucas Jellema) In this article, I want to show how you can very quickly run a Docker container for free on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – using a VM in the Always Free Tier of OCI.