(Martin Berger) Sometimes I have to improve a SQL query where the same (or similar) subquery is used several times within the whole statement.
The Secret Code: ASP.NET MVC Conventions
(Jeremy) ASP.NET MVC is filled with hidden conventions: put a controller or view in a certain place and give it a special name, and it magically works.
Azure DevOps Search – Deep Dive
(Imran Siddique) Azure DevOps Search (Search) service is one of the microservices of Azure DevOps that powers its search functionality and makes it easy to locate information across all your projects using just a web browser. This article discusses the inner workings of DevOps Search.
Exploring The Triple Equals (===) Operator In Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) A few weeks ago, I created a function that proxies the dump() function, making it safe for complex objects that may include circular-references.
SQL 101: Using ILE RPG Programs and Procedures as SQL Stored Procedures, Part 1
(Rafael Victória-Pereira) PSM stands for Persistent Storage Module. In short, it’s the language used to write “SQL programs.” I’ll delve into PSM with much greater detail later in this series, but for now, let’s just focus on what forms these SQL programs, or SQL routines as they are more commonly c
How to Measure MySQL Performance in Kubernetes with Sysbench
(Vadim Tkachenko) As our Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster gains in popularity, I am getting questions about its performance and how to measure it properly.
SQL Server Attach and Detach Database Examples
(Dinesh Asanka) How do you attach and detach databases in SQL Server? What is the difference between a SQL Server backup and restore vs. detach and attach?
Throttling Outgoing Requests in Node.js
(Kamran A) Coordinating counting requests within a time window across a cluster can’t be done in-memory, you need a backing store and this article walks through using Node.js and RavenDB to accomplish throttling client-side requests to an API so you don’t exceed rate limits.
What is a Converged Database?
(Maria Colgan) At the recent OOW European conference there was a lot talk about Converged Databases and how they can greatly simplify data driven app development.
Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli
(Remko Popma) The Go programming language has become popular for writing command line applications.