(Scott Murray) What advanced features are available in the Power BI Q&A functionality? Also, how does the new Q&A visual work?
Creating a RESTful API with Automatic Documentation on Azure App Service
(Hugo G Fernandez R) Azure App Services includes several features to manage your web applications and services including Web Apps, Logic Apps, Mobile Apps and API Apps.
RPG Academy: Database Modernization – Methodology, Part 6
(Rafael Victoria-Pereira) Last time around, I mentioned that some business rules can be moved directly to the database as constraints and your input/output code can also go somewhere else: an I/O Server.
NULL complexities – Part 4, Missing standard unique constraint
(Itzik Ben-Gan) This article is Part 4 in a series about NULL complexities. In the previous articles (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3), I covered the meaning of the NULL as a marker for a missing value, how NULLs behave in comparisons and in other query elements, and standard NULL handling features that
#754 OIC – Service Bus integration
(Niall Commiskey) There are many happy SOA Suite/Service Bus customers in the world today.
RAC DB upgrade from to ASM prerequisites fail with DUBA
(Syed Jaffar Hussain) A 3 node Oracle extended RAC has been successfully upgrade from to just last week. As part of the upgrade planning, we started off with GRID home upgrade process from to, followed by DB upgrade from to and finally DB upgrade
SQL Developer 20.1 Preview
(Jeff Smith) We’re well underway on our 20.1 releases for SQL Developer, Modeler, SQLcl, ORDS, and SQL Developer Web.
IBM Db2 LUW on the Amazon AWS Cloud, a primer
(Hugo Fuentes Chavez) The Cloud has become a new trend these days, and the benefits it offers as a new infrastructure proposition are quite vast, but in this article, we’ll assume you’re already familiarized with the concept and it promises.
Next.js upgrade emphasizes static site generation
(Paul Krill) Next.js, positioned as a React framework for the enterprise, is available in a new version that emphasizes static site generation. The update, Next.js 9.3, was released on March 9.
Your Todo application is too complex or not complex enough
(Scott Hanselman) I’ve blogged before about ASP.NET Architect David Fowler’s hidden gems in ASP.NET. His GitHub is worth following because he’s always exploring and thinking and he’s doing it in public. I love reading other people’s source code.