(Guilhem Bichot) I will try to make it short and clear: if you are writing SQL queries with “NOT IN” like SELECT … WHERE x NOT IN (SELECT y FROM …) you have to be sure to first understand what happens when “x” or “y” are NULL: it might not be what you want! And if it is not, I […]
Building SQL Server Indexes in Ascending vs Descending Order
(Greg Robidoux) When building indexes, often the default options are used to create an index which creates the index in ascending order. This is usually the most logical way of creating an index, so the newest data or smallest value is at the top and the oldest or biggest value is at the end.
DayPilot – AJAX Monthly Event Calendar for ASP.NET MVC in 10 Minutes
(Dan Letecky) The open-source DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET MVC 1.3 introduces an AJAX monthly event calendar. In this post, we will see how to setup the project, create a new ASP.NET MVC view and controller, how to load the calendar, drag and drop calendar event moving, CSS themes and event customizati
Adding Your Own Messages To Power Query Query Diagnostics
(Chris Webb) A quick point: while the Power Query Query Diagnostics functionality is relatively new, it’s based on Power BI/Power Query trace logging that has been around for a while. I’ve just realised that this means you can use the Diagnostics.Trace M function that I blogged about back in 2016 to
Bounce Listener and Database After Adding oracle User to Group
(Bobby Durrett) I keep forgetting that I need to bounce both the listener and the database after changing the oracle user’s group membership, so I am writing a quick note to myself here.
SQL to calculate PI using Nilakantha Series
(Nimish Garg) On the Pi Day, I wrote a SQL to calculate PI(ð) with accuracy upto 10 decimal digits using Nilakantha Series.
Installation of Oracle RAC on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)
(Skant Gupta) In this post, we will see the creation of Oracle RAC on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
IBM Power Systems Virtualization Operation Management for SAP Applications
(Dino Quintero, Enrico Joedecke, Katharina Probst, Andreas Schauberer) Businesses are using IBM Power Systems servers and Linux to consolidate multiple SAP workloads onto fewer systems, increasing infrastructure utilization; reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS); and scalability, and r
Implementing Infinite Scroll And Image Lazy Loading In React
(Chidi Orji) In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to use the HTML Intersection Observer API to implement infinite scrolling and image lazy loading in a React functional component. In the process, we’ll learn how to use some of React’s hooks and how to create Custom Hooks.
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services’ Docker Images – Part 3
(Shawn Wildermuth) In this last post in the series, i’ll show you how to use GitHub Actions to automate when you want to push a new version of your container to your Azure App Service.