(Sanwar Ranwa) In this article, we will learn the step-by-step process of allowing users to log in to an application with Gmail using ReactJS.
SQL Server Agent for Azure SQL DB?
(blobeater) I always wanted a way to schedule commands within Azure SQL Database. Personally, for me, the go to standard is the functionality of SQL Server Agent.
Create 19c Gold Image
(mdinh) What the hell. My blog posts can be so terrible that I don’t even understand at times what I post.
Secure browsing using a local SOCKS proxy server (on desktop or mobile) and an always free OCI compute instance as SSH server
(Maarten Smeets) Oracle provides several services as ‘always free’. In contrast to Azure and Amazon, these include compute instances which remain ‘forever’ free to use.
Databases are slow right?
(Connor McDonald) Man, it gets my goat when people start pontificating nonsense on Twitter.
DB2Night Show #Z104: Db2 for z/OS Utilities Hints and Tips
(Martin) 100% of our studio audience learned something!Haakon gave a presentation with the latest utility recommendations.
Java Stream Reduce Tutorial
(Manish Sharma) Java Stream API provides several methods, including reduction and terminal functions, which also support parallelization. In this post, we will cover the Java stream reduce method and its different operations.
Using Azure Service Bus with restricted access
(damienbod) Azure Service Bus provides many ways to setup different access levels for all types of things like the bus itself, queues, topics or subscriptions. In this post some of the ways to configure the different access levels for a queue sender will be shown.
Replacing Transparent Image Backgrounds With GraphicsMagick And Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) At InVision, one of the things that we do when generating thumbnails is replacing transparent image backgrounds with a solid color (typically white). We do this because the design of the page that renders thumbnails is almost never designed to expect any image transparency.
‘Docker for Visual Studio Code’ Tool Generally Available in Version 1.0
(David Ramel) Microsoft shipped version 1.0 of the extension for Visual Studio Code used to build applications that use Docker containers, adding support for an experimental Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) engine among a slew of new features.