(Erin Cavanaugh) It’s a common requirement to convert non-standard or legacy text files to or from structured data formats like XML, JSON, and relational databases.
The DB2Night Show #223: New developments in Db2 pureScale
(Martin) 100% of our studio audience learned something! Toby discussed the new features in pureScale, many of which were developed in response to customer feedback.
ASP.NET Core 5 Features – Introducing HttpProtocol
(Steve Gordon) In this blog post, which will be a quick read, I’m going to begin what I expect to be a long-running endeavour, to dig into new APIs available in .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core 5.0.
How to set up Docker within Windows System for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 10
(Scott Hanselman) I’ve written about WSL2 and it’s glorious wonders many times. As its release (presumably) grows closer – as of this writing it’s on Windows Insiders Slow and Fast – I wanted to update a few posts.
Retrofitting Markdown Onto 15-Years Of Articles Using htmlParse(), XPath, And Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) In 2019, I finally dumped my Windows VirtualBox and XStandard ActiveX blog authoring and moved my content-creation workflow over to using Markdown in ColdFusion.
An Overview of DDL Algorithm’s in MySQL ( covers MySQL 8)
(Waseem Akram) Database schema change is becoming more frequent than before, Four out of five application updates(Releases) requires a corresponding database change, For a DBA schema change is a more often a repetitive task, it might be a request from the application team for adding or modifying col
The tale of two Azure Hubs – IoT Hub and Event Hub
(John Miner) I hope you noticed the similarity of the article’s title to a famous novel named “The tale of two cities” by Charles Dickens. This novel is Dicken’s best-known work of historical fiction, with over 200 million copies sold and is regularly cited as the best-selling novel of all time. I
Implementing CQRS Pattern with Vue.js & ASP.NET Core MVC
(HR Rony) In this artice, you will see a sample project implementation according to the CQRS pattern using MediatR in ASP.NET Core MVC with vue.js.
Connecting SQL Server Profiler To Power BI Premium
(Chris Webb) Back in December when I wrote a series of posts on testing the performance of Power BI reports in the browser, I mentioned that it was important to test in the browser because some aspects of the performance of a report may be different there compared to in Power BI Desktop.
Python Script to Scan Listener Log For Incoming Connections
(Bobby Durrett) Wrote a quick and dirty script to scan the listener log for incoming connections and produce a count of how many connections came from which host.