(Haridhass Mani) In this article, we are going to learn how to add Google maps in an Angular project. The steps are as follows.
Using SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines to ease your way into the cloud
(Kenneth Fisher) When it comes to migrating applications to Azure, there are a number of paths available.
Data structures and algorithms in Java: A beginner’s guide
(Jeff Friesen) This tutorial series is a beginner’s guide to data structures and algorithms in Java.
Accelerating Digital Transformation with DataOps
(Inderpal Bhandari) Across an array of use cases, AI pioneers are employing a core set of new AI capabilities to unlock the value of data in new ways.
MERGE burns Sequence Numbers
(Marco Mischke) In my previous blog post I wrote about the MERGE statement and how it can efficiently be used. During the implementation of this solution a colleague stumbled upon some very high values numbers for the sequence he used to generate the IDs.
Patch the 2 node RAC in OCI with DBCLI
(Skant Gupta) In this post, we will perform patching on BM (Bare Metals) and VM ( Virtuals Machine) database systems by using DBCLI on the 2-Node RAC running on Oracle Database 19c.
SQL Developer Keyboard Shortcuts: The Movie!
(Jeff Smith) Short post today, and short video – but the content could save you HOURS of coding and working with your Oracle Database!
IIS Hosting for ASP .NET Core 3.1 Web Apps
(Shahed C) This is the ninth of a new series of posts on ASP .NET Core 3.1 for 2020. In this series, we’ll cover 26 topics over a span of 26 weeks from January through June 2020, titled ASP .NET Core A-Z!
Avoiding Self-Closing IFRAME Tags Using htmlParse() In Lucee CFML
(Ben Nadel) Over the past week, I’ve been working to retrofit Markdown onto all of my old blog content using Lucee CFML. It’s been an exciting journey with a lot of trial and error. For example, the other day, I realized the .xmlText property wasn’t giving me escaped HTML entities; and, just this mo
How to Train a Machine Learning Radial Basis Function Network Using C#
(James McCaffrey) A radial basis function network (RBF network) is a software system that is similar to a single hidden layer neural network. In this article I explain how to train an RBF network classifier.