(Satishbabu Gunukula) You will see this error when you are trying to switchover from Primary to Standby, you will see the error when log_archive_dest_n not ready at standby or there is some issue with REDO log.
Creating a custom ErrorHandlerMiddleware function
(Andrew Lock) In this post I show how to customise the ExceptionHandlerMiddleware to create custom responses when an error occurs in your middleware pipeline, instead of providing a path to “re-execute” the pipeline.
Developing an Application using ASP.NET Core 3.0, EF Core 3.0, Azure Cosmos DB and Angular.js
(Mahesh Sabnis) ASP.NET Core 3.0 with EF Core 3.0 provides a cool mechanism to access Cosmos DB for performing CRUD operations, very similar to a relational database. The built-in Angular template with ASP.NET Core provided a rich experience for front-end development. This tutorial builds an end-to-
Understanding the Intricacies of Multiple Inheritance in C++
(Manoj Debnath) Multiple inheritance basically means a class derived from more than one base classes. This is an efficient class design to reuse the properties of multiple classes into a single composite class.
MySQL & Dockers…a simple set up
(Keith Larson) MySQL & Dockers… are not new concepts, people have been moving to Dockers for some time now. For someone who is just moving to this for development, it can have a few hurdles.
SQL SERVER – Install Error – The Account Running SQL Server Setup Does Not Have Administrator Rights On the Computer. To Continue, Use an Account With Administrator Rights
(Pinal Dave) As a part of my work, I also provide consultancy to fix the issues. In my recent engagement with a client, they were getting an error while installing SQL Server 2019. In this blog, I would share the steps to identify and fix error – The account running SQL Server Setup does not have ad
How To Add Stepper And Tabs in React Applications
(Sanwar Ranwa) In this article, we will discuss React Material UI Stepper and Tabs. Stepper is a component that is used to create a wizard-like workflow by separating content into different steps.
Power BI Sharing
(James Serra) There are many ways to share the dashboards, reports, and datasets that you create in Power BI. Below I’ll compare all such options (there are twelve!).
For Loops in JavaScript: Native, forEach, and For-of
(Peter Connelly) In this article, we cover how to loop over array in JavaScript with a traditional, native loop, ES6’s forEach method, and a for-of loop.
Implementation of Db2 11.1 HADR with TSA in the RedHat system
(Tomasz Kraszucki) This article describes how to setup TSA HA using IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms between two data centers.