
Webcasts, Webcasts, Webcasts

Latest Shows to Watch
Watch: SQLonCall: How to Hire a DBA – Part 3/3 – The Interview. Questions to ask, answers to look for, interpreting the responses, making the decision.
Watch: SelectViews – Replication, Part-Time DBAs, 60-Second Tip of the Day
Watch: SQLonCall: How to Hire a DBA – Part 2/3 – How to review resumes, what to look for, what to avoid.

Featured Article(s)
TSQL procedure that checks the Databases list on the server
The following procedure is to be use on a recurring basis to check if new database were created since the procedure was last executed or if one or more database were dropped since procedure was last executed. This is done to keep the DBA informed on a regular basis about the database list.

Pulling Information From Non-Relational Sources…
is possible. In fact, pulling together sections of a worksheet, CSV reports and other more non-traditional data sources just got a whole lot easier. In SSIS, you can now use DataDefractor – a tool that let’s you automated the combination of information from these types of sources that used to be very difficult to include. Need to extract only a portion of the data? No problem. Take a look at DataDefractor here, and get your free trial copy to see exactly how you can put it to use.

Webcasts, Webcasts, Webcasts
I wanted to make sure you knew about our *two* webcasts this week – be sure to reserve your spot… (the first is tomorrow)

SQL Server Crystal Ball: Knowing What to Watch As Your SQL Server System Grows
We’ll look into pulling baseline information, things you can do to chart and forecast growth on your system and the basic options you have to grow you system out and up. Find out how to use Performance Monitor tools and learn about what different scaling techniques can bring to the table.

> Register Now
> Nov 13, 2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Creating, Managing and Reviewing Jobs with SQL Server 2005
We’ll show how to create a job, work through the different options,including notifications, variable job steps, scheduling and more. The goal of this session is to have you up and running, understanding how the options work for setting up and managing jobs in your system.

> Register Now
> Nov 14, 2007 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
Top 10 Database Hacks and How to Stop Them
Corporate databases contain the crown jewels of an organization, which means a break-in, by insiders or outsiders, can cost m… (read more)

File Fragmentation, SANs, NAS and RAID
Does fragmentation affect SANs, NAS, and RAID? Many people think it doesn’t-but that perception is incorrect. Disk arrays imp… (read more)

SQL Injection Protection White Paper
This white paper demonstrates various techniques that can be used to evade SQL injection signatures, and explains why it is n… (read more)

Top 10 SQL Server Questions Answered by SQL Stan
Work – and look – like a SQL Server rock star. "Top 10 Questions Answered by SQL Stan" will sharpen your skills with tables, … (read more)