
Web 2.0 – A Good Thing, Or Bad Thing for Projects?

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Does "Web 2.0" Help, or Hurt, Your Projects?
I know there are some good tools out there, but when it comes to building out projects, creating new tools for your organization, do you think collaboration is paying off as it should? And, whether it is or isn’t, is collaboration, and the expectation of it in applications, causing more pain and opening up more "issues" with the work you’re doing?

I’ve seen so many applications where they started with good intentions, but then when people added in the web 2.0 pieces – collaboration, information re-use, accessibility from other applications – the complexity it introduces is significant. I’ve seen many an application project slide because of the unknowns and unpredictable nature of these types of applications. So many times it seems the application isn’t quite "open" enough and the developers are forced to open the doors just a tad more. Of course this can lead to great openings for malicious folks too…

So, what have you seen? Surely your users are asking for more options with information, more access points, etc. Have these paid off? Have they caused issues with your project schedules, your resources that you’ve had to have on the project? Or, have you seen the opposite? Have the newer tools made this a snap, made it easier to estimate projects and get things done?

By the way, I realize "Web 2.0" means different things to different people, but I’m interested in hearing your interpretation and how it’s impacted your projects.

Video How-To Available
TSQL 103 – Part 3 of 3 of the TSQL Introduction Series from the Spring Virtual Conference. This is the final segment, reviewing tips and how TSQL works, essential query elements, etc.
[ Watch the Show ]

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