
Use a Table as a Message Queue

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Use a Table as a Message Queue
Here is a tip for the day. You can have SQL Server participate in a Microsoft Message Queue through the Broker Service. But that has a lot of overhead if you are only using and processing data in SQL Server itself.

Instead, you can create a table for queuing. Simply insert records into a self designed table with the information needed for the process you wish to enable.

I use the Delete statement to process the queue table with a couple extra phrases allowing me to extract rows from the queue table without multi-process contention, and return to me rows that have been removed from the queue to a only a single process.

Let’s say I have a queue table like the following that was used for the shipping department to get the next customer order to process:

CREATE TABLE CustomerOrderToShip (

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idxCustomerOrderToShip ON CustomerOrderToShip (QDateTime)

Now I can process the orders with using "first in first out" by getting customer orders in a couple simple queries.


FROM CustomerOrderToShip WITH (READPAST)
INTO @Order

FROM @Order

This Delete statement does three things:

  • First, it bypasses any rows in the queue table that have a lock from any other process "WITH (READPAST)". This resolves multi-threading contention.
  • Second, it can be used to get as many rows as you wish to process in a batch by changing the 1 in TOP (1) to a variable or a larger fixed number.
  • Third, the rows are deleted from the queue table so they will not be picked up by another process, and the contents inserted into the temp memory table @Order.

The table @Order now contains the rows that were deleted from CustomerOrderToShip. Selecting the rows from @Order provides you with a fresh batch of records to process. If you want it to be a "Last In First Out queue", simply create your index in descending order on QDateTime, or use a query that orders the rows to be deleted in a descending order. If you really don’t care what order the rows are processed, don’t create any index at all.

So, there’s your queue. You handled multi-threading issues, and provide your database with a mechanism to handle processing one or more tasks in a sequential order.

Do you like these kinds of tips in the newsletter once in a while? If so, drop me a note with feedback regarding what is helpful to you, or any other suggestions you may wish to provide for future content. Send your comments to btaylor@sswug.org.

