
SQL Server Ongoing Maintenance Best Practices

Last Day to Catch SQLonCall
Tomorrow we’ll be posting the next SQLonCall show – now’s the time to catch the current show, all about things to think about when you’re considering and buying "black-box software" – those packaged solutions that work with your SQL Servers.

> Watch the show here

Work With Standards… Cross-Platform
Part of the battle with teams of developers or DBAs working on systems is standardization. Standards in approach, implementations, coding and other things that touch your systems can be very tough to implement. Everyone has different styles as they create solutions. Using SQL Assistant though, you can not only use the intelligent code completion features, but you can also put scripting standards in place for statements, queries and stored procedures. A great tool to bring things into a common approach. Take a look at SQL Assistant and see if it might help streamline things in your own organization. Get more information here.

Ongoing Maintenance Best Practices
wrote in with an overview of his ongoing tasks and checklist – good information as you’re working through your own installation:

"As a consultant I seen many different shops and over the years I’ve yet to find any two shops that had the same maintenance in place.

Standard processes I like running on a regular basis:

• DBCC Checkdb (weekly, before full backup): This one should be a “gimme” but I’ve been plenty of places it wasn’t done

• Weekly “defrag” of items that have reached a threshold of fragmentation.

• Weekly process searching for “detached” dbs. Started this one at a location where DBs were dropped and created and “saved” by just about everybody.

• Weekly process to check free space on hard drives.

• Weekly process to track data file growth.

• Daily process watching for failed and disabled jobs.

• Daily process determining how long it has been since each database was backed up.

• “Background” profiler process, logging to table, mostly watching for DDL statements on systems that are production.

• Regular (typically every 5 minutes) process that notifies of blocked processes (indicates blocker and blockee)

• Regular (typically every 15 minutes) process that identifies “long running” processes.

There are the ones I can think of without looking back into my toolkit."

Moving from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 Security
We’ll look into the differences between the approaches to security, how they apply to your database, the information you’re managing and tips along the way. There are some strong abilities in SQL Server 2005 and this show will look to explain the differences from the perspective of moving from SQL Server 2000. We’ll compare and contrast and make sense of the updates so you’re ready to move forward.

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> Webcast date 10/4/2007 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

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