
SQL Server Merge Replication, SQL Server 2008, DMVs and More

Featured Article(s)
Tips for using SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication (Part 3)
Here are some helpful tips to performance tune and optimize SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication.

Tweaking for High Transaction Loads
When it comes to updating your storage subsystem for use with a high transaction load type implementation, you know that getting information can get pretty confusing. I know in talking with different customers and looking at their own systems and solutions, there are so many variables and conflicting opinions on getting the job done that it’s hard to know where to start. Check out our webcast and whitepaper on iSCSI SANs – it’ll give you a starting point and give you some solid information on getting going. Watch the webcast here, and get the whitepaper here.

Built-In Reporting
In the last webcast, we talked about the built-in reporting tools that come in Management Studio. Things like disk space analysis, usage information and so-on. These are built on DMVs – Dynamic Management Views – in the database and made available as standard reports in MS.

I’ve been reading more and more about DMVs and how they can provide some really strong information about your systems. From indexes not used to tables without indexes and many other useful tidbits. Between the built in reports and the DMVs, transparency on what SQL Server is, and is not, doing goes up several notches.

Do you use DMVs yet? How about the reports built-in to Management Studio? I’m curious because I’ve heard more and more that the reports are a bone of contention – they are both needed and overly slow to produce results. They are interesting, but yet limited (agree on this one) – good information, but want more.

What are your experiences and thoughts with them? Please drop me a note, let me know what you think about the reports. I’d love to see how/if you’re putting them to use.

Webcast: Moving from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 Security
We’ll look into the differences between the approaches to security, how they apply to your database, the information you’re managing and tips along the way. There are some strong abilities in SQL Server 2005 and this show will look to explain the differences from the perspective of moving from SQL Server 2000. We’ll compare and contrast and make sense of the updates so you’re ready to move forward.

> Register Now
> Webcast date: October 4, 2007 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

SQL Server 2008
At SQL Connections in November, we’ll be taking some initial looks at SQL Server 2008 – this is pretty cool, and I’m anxious to learn more as we continue through the CTP process and release cycles for SQL Server. Microsoft has re-affirmed that the date time frames for SQL Server 2008 are still holding solid, so that’s great news. I’ll be looking forward to hearing more information not only about features, but also about what features people are most anticipating (we’ve talked about several here in the newsletter already) and what features are less-known or at least less-anticipated.

Featured White Paper(s)
IT Director’s Reference Series: Practical Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley IT Internal Controls
Sarbanes-Oxley is the most comprehensive financial regulatory law in US history. It places responsibility for accurate and re… (read more)

Architecting the Infrastructure for SOA and XML
As application systems are developed using SOA principals and implemented using XML and Web Services, the increasing sophisti… (read more)

Reach the SQL Server Performance Tuning Pinnacle
Long-term, highly performing systems serve as a tremendous asset to an organization, but do not happen by mistake. They are i… (read more)