
SQL Server 2008 … Correction, and Thoughts

Looking for THE Technical Conference on SQL Server, Visual Studio and .NET?
If you’re trying to figure out where you can get access to the best experts, great content, third-party software and how-to information, you should definitely check out the Connections Conference in November, SSWUG will be there with our own track of sessions, and you can register for the SQL Conference and attend sessions at the Visual Studio or other conferences, held at the same time, the same place. Great content, lots of fun and you could even be on SSWUGtv. More on that later. Get more information about the conferences here – hope to see you there!

SQL Server 2008 … Correction, and Thoughts
Well, at least I know people are paying attention. Yesterday I announced that SQL Server 2008 would be released February 27, 2007. Oops. Of course that should have read February 27, 2008. Thanks for all of you that pointed it out – I do appreciate the heads-up.

On the question of release cycles and how it impacts your deployment of SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, the general rule of thumb and standard answer is…

"Not sure."

I’m not surprised. We’ll have to collectively see the features, see how they dovetail into the applications we’re using and then make decisions on the upgrade. One thing that was brought up that has me a bit concerned is the fact that many third-party software vendors still don’t have their software certified as supporting SQL Server 2005. What gives with that??! In fact, many people have already mentioned that they didn’t actually expect their software now to be certified on 2005, but rather go directly to 2008.

Egad, I fear we’re headed for a real mess when it comes to version support, troubleshooting and so-on. I hope I’m wrong, and I don’t mean to be ringing the bell of warning like some catastrophic event looming, but it just smells like a potential for some convoluted times.

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