
So, What is an MVP Anyway?

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SQL Server 2008 XML Optimization Tips
In this article, you can find some tips to use xml in SQL Server 2008.

So, What is a MVP Anyway?
As you already know I am a fan of the MVP. Especially when it comes to SQL Server. Many have worked hard to attain that status; some due to a love of the product and helping others; some as a part of their daily work.

However, I would like to expand on the concept a little. I think there are a lot of MVPs out there that do not have the suffix MVP to their title. I personally find the resources and people I know to be just as valuable as my own personal skill. Most of the people on my list do not have the title MVP…in my life, they are.

Often, I don’t need someone to provide me with a solution as much as direction for one or more reasonable approaches (does that mean Google should be an MVP?). These are the kind of people I have in IM, Email, Linked-In, SSWUG, Users Groups, Facebook.

Following is a response from one of our members that plays this out a bit. James Writes:

I agree with you about your assertion of a SQL Server expert. Adding in BI makes it very difficult to be an expert at all things SQL Server. I have been working strictly with SQL Server (and BI) for over 10 years now. And yes I still have lots to learn or learn new behaviors. But I know I know more than my students and clients. So to them – I am an expert.

I am not a fan of the MVP status. It is so arbitrary. It is not something that is clearly defined. It is so Microsoft.

I write and teach courses…not…the vendor’s in this case Microsoft’s courses. So I get no credit for this work in Microsoft’s eyes.

I have four kids – I work for cash. I don’t have time to hang out on Microsoft’s forums answering questions. But I answer tons of questions every day from previous students and clients. Sure I get paid by the clients but I do not bill them for the 5-10 minute answers. I assume it is part of my ongoing work for them. Will I ever be considered for an MVP? No…

For now, I am content with being an “Expert” on SQL Server for my students and clients.



Well James, as far as I am concerned, you are an MVP for those in your circle. Shine on.

As always, send your comments to btaylor@sswug.org.


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