
SharePoint, SQL Server and SSWUG.org

SelectViews – THE SQL Server Show
The show has been updated and you can check it out now. The show asks for additional feedback on SharePoint (and explains a bit more about what we’re considering) – so we need your feedback. Also, information about what SSDS actually is, and is not. The 60-second SQL Server tip of the day, information overload isues and a LOT more. Check out the show – see what you think.

> Watch the show here (open access to everyone)

So, About SharePoint…
The response is clear – so we’re working to ramp up and get things going to integrate it into the site.

Here are a few response examples:

Garry: "We have a 2-tier architecture – WIndows 2000 server with Project server 2003 and WSS 3.0 and a Windows 2000 – SQL Server 2000 backend – I am in process of building a 3 -tier architecture a Windows 2003, WSS 3.0 front end, a Project Server 2007 for app layer and a SQL Server 2005 backend but having connectivety issues – its stating – Config Failed – so YES!!"

Joseph: "I manage a small (7 person) IT group focused on web development (.NET and PHP) and data analysis at an institute that conducts educational research and operates intervention programs. We use MOSS 2007 and BrightWorks’ pmPoint software and would welcome attention to this from SSWUG. We’re generally very impressed with SharePoint, lack the time to effectively utilize some features that would no doubt benefit us, and have only been disappointed by a few things (the blog and wiki sites are deficient in needed features, for example)."

Mary: "It would be nice to get sharepoint information from SSWUG since Sharepoint is SQL Server dependent.

We have Sharepoint here and upgrading to 2007. I’d like to see the pro’s, con’s and costs of storing everything in the database versus linking and managing content outside of the database. It looks much easier to store within SQL but I would wonder if performance would be the trade off. Is there a Sharepoint/SQL archive tool from Microsoft yet that doesn’t cost extra?

The only gotcha that we have experienced with the install/configuration is the different collation for the install of SQL for sharepoint at the instance level (may not be able to share that instance with other shrink wrap app databases): http://support.microsoft.com/kb/843578

I like the Sharepoint Capacity Planning Tool (requires system center planning tool install as a prerequisite).

The other discussion point I would like to see covered is security/support for Sharepoint — what role should the dba have on the web/app since DBAs usually don’t have access to web/app servers. It will probably depend on the size of the company (dba’s may wear more IT hats in smaller organizations), disaster recovery, archive, migration and patches that affect Sharepoint and SQL."

Bob: "We set up some SharePoint sites with SharePoint Server 2003. We organized the sites by department with the idea that we could share departmental calendars, documents, and other information easily. While we have accomplished some of that, we have found that some simple tasks, such as departmental calendars, are handled much better by Outlook. There is much less clicking and data entry in Outlook than SharePoint. User access is also a challenge. While we would like to setup some sites with anonymous or restricted access, logging in from outside of our network always presents a problem.

All said, we still use it as a shared document repository, and for some basic human resources functions such as phone lists and announcements. I read all the time about all the features and functionality that SharePoint can offer, but we only have limited resources to spend on configuring SharePoint sites. I think some insight from more seasoned users on SSWUG would be great."

More to come

Webcast – Register Now
Data Protection and Recovery Options with SQL Server

We’ll look into the various data protection options you have with SQL Server when it comes to setting up a recovery system for your server. We’ll explain the pros and cons of each and where you can apply them in your own systems.

> Register Now
> Live date: 3/25/2008 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

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