
Personalizing SQL Server Management Studio

Webcast: SQL Server and SharePoint Data Integration
SharePoint’s Data View web part can do much more than just view data. It can serve as a complete front-end to your SQL Server (and other data store) information allowing you to create robust applications without writing code. In this session, you will see just how to create such an application including conditional graphics. You’ll even learn how to pass data from SQL Server into a SharePoint Designer workflow for business process automation.
Presented by: Ricky Spears

> Register Now
> Live date: 10/6/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

SSWUG.org Free Expo Event Friday, September 24, 2010 9:00 a.m. PT
In the sessions at this free expo, you’ll learn about query plans and the types of information and tuning help they can provide, numerous monitoring and performance management options and much more. We’ll also be presenting sessions that include information about key setup and operations items for your SQL Servers.
Register here.

Personalizing SQL Server Management Studio
Did you know SQL Server Management Studio was based on the same code base as Visual Studio? As Craig Ferguson would say, "That’s Right!"

Visual Studio has a published method for creating your own Add In. There are so many different types of Visual Studio Add Ins its hard to describe. They have integration to version control systems, syntax checkers, refactoring tools, and much MUCH more.

Because SSMS is based on Visual Studio code base, it is possible for you to create your own Add In. BEWARE!! This is not a task for the novice. What would you do with this capability? Red Gate, for example, has used this capability to integrate Version Control into SSMS for our database objects…how cool is that?

Maybe you want to make your own add in. Here is a blog by Jon Sayce describing how its done. The biggest problem is that it does not appear this was an intended feature from Microsoft. Unlike Visual Studio, there is no documentation of how to do it. The Visual Studio documentation provided clues for many talented individuals to dive in and figure it out. Thanks to the many individuals who figured this out and published their findings.

I’d like to have my own template creator, or change script creator. I saw a search tool written as an add in allowing you to enter text and the add in would search all known databases for any object that matched the text. I think they even allowed wild cards. How about dropping me a note with the kinds of things you feel SSMS should/could have that would make your day go easier. Send your comments to btaylor@sswug.org.


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