
Matt Nunn on SSWUGtv: Visual Studio 2008

New SQL Server Weekly Show Posted
A wide-ranging interview with Microsoft’s Matt Nunn about Visual Studio 2008, what it does, what he likes about it, and so much more. Also, a bit about update stats, discussion list watch and a whole lot of other great SQL Server information.

> Watch the show here

Also, don’t miss:
Watch: Handling a DBA interview. A Mock interview with questions, answers and more.
Watch: SelectViews: Interview with Kim Tripp and Paul Randal

Featured Article(s)
7 days cyclic database backup procedure
The following procedure does a full backup on all databases of the server , each backup file consists of name of Database and the week day. each backup is created with WITH INIT option using procedure in a daily jobs as the affect of keeping different backup versions for each day of the week. (7 generations)

Get More From Your Servers…
I’ve learned a lot about consolidation and what it means for your SQL Server farms. I’ve learned this from HP/Polyserve – because they have some amazing tools that help you not only consolidate, but at the same time start using your servers more efficiently. This happens because you can move applications around from instance to instance and select the right server for the right workload. You also gain failover and recovery capabilities and a very slick deployment system, sort of as a side benefit. If you’re wondering if you can get more out of your existing systems and at the same time add to the functional capabilities, you should take a look at HP/Polyserve’s Database Utility for SQL Server. It could be just the ticket. Read more here in their whitepaper on SSWUG, or get more information here at their site.

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