
LINQ and SQL Server – Initial Feedback

LINQ and SQL Server – Initial Feedback
Eric wrote in with some opinions and experiences using LINQ (send in yours here):

"The interesting thing that I find about LINQ is that there is now a SQL like syntax to join, limit, select within the programming language. LINQ brings querying capabilities to the data structures realm. I am finding that many instances where it used to be necessary to write some looping construct containing conditional statements to iterate through and limit the effect of some operation on a set can now be written in a more easily readable and compact form using a LINQ statement. As an added bonus the programmer also obtains deferred computation of the result set.

The object set being queried doesn’t have to be from a database. You could, as a simple example, use LINQ to select the tallest window in your UI. No need to loop through and remember the tallest window seen so far.

I haven’t used LINQ to SQL or LINQ to Entities yet to perform database operations on a real system. In my simple “playing” with the LINQ to Entities CTP it seemed like things weren’t quite ready for the developer. In some instances it was as though a seemingly simple change would cause the model editor to no longer display the entity model. "

And Gene had some initial impressions in working with LINQ as well:

"For what it’s worth, I don’t seem to be able to do a full outer join using LINQ. This has often presented a problem. Am I missing something (i.e. the feature exists but I just don’t know it)? Or is this something that will be added in a future version of LINQ?"

SQL Server Weekly Show
SelectViews: Identity Lifecycle Management, Security, 100% CPU Issues and Upcoming Events. Also, SQL Server Instance Discovery in the Accidental DBA Segment, Noise and News in the DB World and a Lot More.

[Watch The Show Here]

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Testing a New Feature
Tomorrow (Weds) we’ll be testing a new feature we’ve been working on for SSWUG. We’re considering having chats on the site (both open chats and topic-specific chats). So, we need your help to test the chat application Alpha that we’ve been working on. If you’re interested, watch the newsletter tomorrow morning for the URL. We’ll be testing at 7:00p Eastern Time on Wednesday. We hope you can join us let us know what you think of the idea.

Green Events Community
We’ve started an online community just to talk about Green Events. The pros, cons, cool things you see and more. I’ll be watching for new technologies, new events, what others are saying about it. The community is open access to everyone – join up and see not only what others are doing, but things we run into too in producing events.

Check it out here and get registered – hope to see you there!

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