
Have You Started Business Intelligence-Type Work Yet?

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SelectViews #110: Partitioning Large Databases, USB Devices, Performance and Clustered Indexes, Upcoming Events. Also, the Accidental DBA Tip, the 60-Second SQL Server Tip of the Day and a Lot More.

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Featured Article(s)
Oracle 2-Day DBA in x Days Post 8; Watching Oracle Background Processes
Take a look at Oracle background processes and the memory they consume.

Reporting Services Leverage
Reporting is just the first step to building reports that help your user base learn from real information. If you can take it to the next step – to fully-interactive reporting, you can learn so much more about the information behind the scenes. Combining reporting, regardless of data source, and building browser-based tools for your users, you can stop building that custom report every time you get a new data element you want to see. Instead, provide full analytics and reporting for your business units – make it simple for them to learn from your systems. Check out iQ4bis – provide powerful tools for your company to leverage the information in your systems.

Have You Started Business Intelligence-Type Work Yet?
This seems to be the direction of the more traditional DBA. I’ve been hearing more and more about "administrative" DBAs starting to dive into the analytics and application support roles – where they can help in the design and performance tweaking stuff of running a server. I think a lot of people see the "data uses" direction as the natural add-on skill set for what has traditionally been an administrative (backups, performance, etc.) role for DBAs for SQL Server.

I think this is a good thing – as SQL Server brings more and more policy-based management, more automation and more built-in best practices to running a SQL Server system, you’ll find you have more time to, frankly, do things that have a daily impact on the business. You can learn about how information is accessed, then design better ways – faster ways – to get at that information. Tools to access it (Excel, Access, reporting, etc.) – and more comprehensive controls.

I have to say – I think this is pretty cool, really. If you think about the repetitive tasks of running a server today – if those could be automated and report back when things have issues, it would allow you to be more involved in some killer business-management and integration assistance.

I’m a data designer/data learning guy at heart – how is the information used, how is it accessed, and how is it protected, etc. Those are the things that I really think give a lot of leverage to the use of information and accessing databases. I think this trend (which, of course, isn’t the ONLY trend), is a good thing and lets you really have a strong position as a contributing, clearly needed and beneficial contributor.

I think it’s a good thing.

Featured White Paper(s)
The Shortcut Guide to SQL Server Infrastructure Optimization
In The Shortcut Guide to SQL Server Infrastructure Optimization, the new eBook from Realtime Publishers, leading IT author Do… (read more)

SharePoint Customization Best Practices
In this paper, we will tackle a subject that has raised many questions and an equally large number of answers. How do I custo… (read more)