Author: Ben Taylor


Resilience Patterns ? CQRS

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation, is a technique that separates data creation and modification from data querying. In a pure CQRS model a stored procedure would not both insert/update data and then retrieve data. Those are two distinct operations, and therefore separated. This is similar to the Materialized View discussion from yesterday. In Materialized Views we separated the creation […]


Resilience Patterns ? Materialized Views

As readers of SSWUG you probably know what a Materialize View is, at least in a database engine. A materialized view is a view on which an Index has been created, thus materializing the data resulting from the view. If a query uses the view, and the data needed to fulfill the query is contained in the index, SQL Server […]


Patterns for Resilience ? Sharding

Database sharding has long been known as a technique for increasing the scale of an application. By placing data in multiple databases, each with only a portion of the data, increases the reach of an application by distributing the load across multiple servers. This technique of sharding has been extended to not only SQL Relational storage, but is the foundation […]


Valet Key Pattern

Surprisingly this pattern was introduced to me a couple days ago in the Microsoft Fail Safe presentation from their virtual conference this week. A number of patterns were introduced as techniques to mitigate issues where failure may occur. The presenters have a book soon to be released on the topic of resilient patterns which I will introduce in a future […]


Resilience Replaces Reliability

While watching the presentations today from Microsoft Virtual Training Academy on Modern Cloud Architectures one key word was emphasized; Resilience. In terms of software architecture, the need for Resilience has overtaken the need for Reliability. Resilience is the ability to continue operations when something fails. Reliability is the ability to not fail. They demonstrated the concept by comparing the performance […]


Why Keep Current?

Why should a company keep current as technology grows? I have been thinking on this specific topic from many perspectives the last few days. There is a cost associated with keeping current with technology. Is there a cost for not keeping current? Here are a few things I have observed in my career at different companies. One company had a […]


Should We Stay With APS.Net Web Forms?

I was reading Dino Esposito’s article in Code magazine today regarding the differences between ASP.Net, ASP.Net MVC, Web API and STAs. He did a really great job comparing the different technologies at a high level, which was his goal. The main point he made is that there was a good reason for ASP.Net Web Forms to work the way they […]


User Experience

Modern software and hardware is all about the User Experience. Most users want computers to work without having to know all the nuts and bolts that put it together. My wife downloaded a book off Amazon the other day. She didn’t have the correct reader installed on her tablet to read the book. However, her computer took her to a […]



PhoneGap has been the major player in establishing a common platform for mobile devices. It is a library that exposes native device capabilities to a JavaScript interface, making it possible to program many different mobile devices in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS, and compile it to operate on different platforms. PhoneGap was purchased by Apache, and a new name given, “Cordova”. […]