Author: Ben Taylor


Help, I’m Running Out of Disk

Here’s a real world scenario that database administrators face on a regular basis. Your application moves along smoothly; the amount of disk space increased incrementally each day. Then, all off a sudden, your database disk allocation jumps 20% or more with no apparent reason. Do you simply acquire more disk space, or do you find out if perhaps you need […]


Password Encryption Strategy

I have been reading a lot recently about how to have secure passwords. With the capabilities of many of the newer GPUs the ability to protect an encrypted password is diminishing daily. It has been understood that it would take a super computer a year to hack a single password with all the different permutations available. Today that has been […]


Problems with Scaling Out

How do we get the performance we have come to expect from Google? Data and Workload are distributed across a large fabric of small computers. The sum of the whole results in performance greater than that of a super computer. Google has proven the architecture of Scaling Out with dramatic performance at an amazingly low cost. More and more systems […]


Joining Data from Disparate Sources

Moving away from rational databases as a data storage technique may have its own set of problems to solve. For example, what do you do when you have two collections of data with a common attribute (like a foreign key in a relational database) on which you join the two sets, resulting in a new set of data with attributes […]


Another Approach to Applying Open/Closed to TSQL

Today I am sharing an approach from Maurice which uses views and triggers on views to present a consistent interface to consumers. This technique works differently from the one we presented yesterday using views, table value functions and stored procedures to maintain a static interface. Instead, Maurice exposes the views directly to consumers. Updates and inserts are propagated to one […]


An Open/Closed TSQL Approach

Today Aaron shares his implementation for applying the open/closed principle to SQL Server data and code. As stated previously it is more difficult to introduce a static set of parameters in SQL because TSQL does not support interfaces or inheritance. The primary point of interfaces is that you can implement them in many different ways and still keep the contract […]


Is SSIS Right For You?

I have used SQL Server integration Services (SSIS) since it was first released in SQL Server 2005. I have used a lot of ETL tools over the years, and in my opinion, SSIS is equal to the best of them. It is amazing some of the features included such as fuzzy logic. And the number of data connections it is […]


Can You Implement the Open/Closed Principle in SQL?

Have you ever tried applying the Open/Closed principle to SQL Server stored procedures or functions? Since SQL Server is not an object oriented language it can be difficult to achieve, and may not be worth the effort. The point of the Open/Closed principle is to assure that existing code continues to work as you extend your code for newer behavior. […]


Sharding With a Purpose

If you have looked into sharding there are a number of techniques you can use. You can shard data of the same type across multiple servers. You can replicate the same data duplicating it across multiple servers. You can shard data of different types across different servers. You can do any combination of the previous techniques. How you choose to […]


Sharding for Scale, Cost and Performance

Sharding data is a good way to increase performance for persistence and containing the cost of your software, depending on the engine you select. Sharding data is accomplished by using an algorithm to separate data, placing it on different storage instances for the purposes of balance, redundancy, increased capacity or any combination of the above. You can shard data using […]